My Story
- jdee136 responded to a topic "Greensboro Meet Up"
- Did this ever happen? Would have been great. BTW the guy from Bethlehem, ever go to the Green Door?
- Caterman jdee136
- Things got busy , so just checking to see how you are doing.
- jdee136 responded to a topic "Florida organist and trombonist here"
- WTF is an organist?
- jdee136joined a group
- Snapchat Nudists
Connect with fellow nudists on Snapchat. This group is for anyone who on Snapchat who likes sharing and chatting with fellow nudist. If you are new...
- jdee136 responded to a topic "Greensboro Meet Up"
- Me too!!! Think it would be great fun. Daytime best for me
- jdee136 became friends with florcplnaturitz
- jdee136 became friends with fiveinchsmitty
- jdee136 became friends with brandonguy41
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About jdee136
BMM, top, nudist looking for others to enjoy nude time together.
John - 76
- Gender
- Man
- Orientation
- Bisexual
- Height
- 5' 8"
- Weight
- 190
- Hometown
- N/A
- Education
- Bachelors
- Religion
- Income Level
- None of your Business
- Occupation
- retired
- Kids
- I have grown children
- Smokes
- Drinks
- Gender
- Orientation
- Height
- Weight
- Hometown
- Education
- Religion
- Income Level
- Occupation
- Kids
- Smokes
- Drinks
Here for
- Dating
- Relationship
- Platonic Friends
- Networking
- Casual Acquaintances
Who I'd like to meet
like minded individuals
My Interests
watching the world go by!!!!!
Country, 50s & 60s rock
My Heroes
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