Yorkshire Naturist Ramblers
This is a group for those wanting to undertake naturist walking in Yorkshire (primarily) - to be able to seek others for group walks or to inform where suitable locations might be found. It sits alongside the similarly named Facebook Group and hopefully serves as a point of information for those not on Facebook.
18th October - Hole of Horcum
Return to DiscussionsI'd love to come and recce a walk with you Peter, specially in such a lovely looking area (I've been looking on Google street view), but sadly I'm busy on Wednesdays and it is the best part of three hours away for me anyway. The weather, though dry and you may see some sun, is cold, I'm afraid, so I doubt it would be strippable for that reason, but you never know. Best you go tomorrow though, as the forecast after that is not so good, with or without clothes!
Here's hoping we can do a walk there next year... Cheers, Brian