Workout Naked

This group is for anyone that likes to work out naked. If you like lifting weights, running, going to the gym, swimming, or any other way of keeping fit, and like me you prefer to do it naked, feel free to join this group.

Finally starting on putting my nude home gym together

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Earlier this week I ran across a pretty good deal on some gym equipment, I bought a squat rack, a 45lb Olympic bar bar, an adjustable bench that goes flat, incline, upright for shoulder press and decline, and 450# of weights. 6-45#,2-35#,2-25# 3-10# and 25# plus a sturdy weight rack that will hold all of the weights, all for $290. This stuff is older, the weights a bit rusty, but very sturdy and well made. The squat rack is made in some strange land called USA, so you know it is fairly old. Yesterday, I started assembling the stuff but found that 5 bolts were missing so I have it mostly assembled and will finish it tomorrow morning. In keeping with the spirit of the home gym, all assembly work is being done nude even though there are no window treatments on the front or side of the room. Yesterday I worked on it from 3:004:30am and at least 2 people walked by on the street and most likely saw me. Next up, I will clear up a bit more space and assemble the Marcy universal home gym unit that has been sitting on the floor in pieces since last year. Once that is assembled, i will put shades on the windows and it will be up and running even though it is hot as hell in there during the day and the A/C i my house is too small for the house and could not possibly also cool the sunroom too.

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RE:Finally starting on putting my nude home gym together

How is it progressing?

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RE:Finally starting on putting my nude home gym together

How is it progressing?
I have an area cleared for the Marcy home gym, and hope to assemble it in the next 2 weeks.The squat rack is assembled. Since clothing is prohibited in that room, there are no window coverings and it is hot as hell in there during the day, all the assembly work is done in the very early morning hours

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RE:Finally starting on putting my nude home gym together

How is it progressing?
I have an area cleared for the Marcy home gym, and hope to assemble it in the next 2 weeks.The squat rack is assembled. Since clothing is prohibited in that room, there are no window coverings and it is hot as hell in there during the day, all the assembly work is done in the very early morning hours

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RE:Finally starting on putting my nude home gym together

As the weather begins to cool will you be able to work longer hours?
From what I have read and heard, it is legal to be nude anywhere on your own property, even if you are in full view of the street or neighbors. HOA rules or annoying the neighbors could be another story.

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RE:Finally starting on putting my nude home gym together

You mentioned that clothing is prohibited in that room. How often do you wear anything anywhere in your house?

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RE:Finally starting on putting my nude home gym together

How is it progressing?I have an area cleared for the Marcy home gym, and hope to assemble it in the next 2 weeks.The squat rack is assembled. Since clothing is prohibited in that room, there are no window coverings and it is hot as hell in there during the day, all the assembly work is done in the very early morning hours

Will you be getting window coverings at some point?
Could you get an air conditioning window unit to help lower the temperature?

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RE:Finally starting on putting my nude home gym together

You mentioned that clothing is prohibited in that room. How often do you wear anything anywhere in your house?

A male couple on another board made almost their entire house a clothing prohibited zone, When they retired, they got rid of most of their clothing, moved what they had left to shelves in the laundry room, gave away their dressers and took out their closets. Since the laundry room had access to the garage and a door to the outside, they decided that no clothing would ever be worn or kept anywhere else in the house.

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