United Kingdom Naturist Men

This site is for men (males 18 and over) who are naturists, or are interested in nudism. We meet for dinners, barbeques, movies, or just socialising in members homes for clothing non-optional gatherings. Members also meet through here with fellow members privately, sometimes just meeting during the day as a way to get away from your home and go to anothers for a naked visit. Singles, couples,...

Visiting London Sept 16-18

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I'll be in London for a couple days. Any recommendations for group social naked activities?

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RE:Visiting London Sept 16-18

You might check out the Single Outdoors Club for contacts. You will find it with a Google search. I see that you will miss the scheduled Ramblers walks around that time (Sep 14 and 20), which are great organized hikes theough the countryside. Maybe someone would like to hike during your time there. Let us know if you find some nude recreation..

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RE:Visiting London Sept 16-18

All around London there are nudist clubs and resorts that accept day guests. Lots to do and see.

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RE:Visiting London Sept 16-18

There is a local, naturist, information website you can keep an eye on: www.naturist.london

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