UK: Staying Warm At Home

For sharing information on how to stay warm at home in the cold weather (particularly for UK residents). It is not practical to keep the heating on all day in cold weather, as in the UK it is cold most of the time. With increasing electricity & gas rates, many of us can be prohibited from being nude in our own homes. Therefore, this group will be dedicated to input of idea's for keeping the...

Top Tips For Keeping Warm!

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If like me, you are unfortunate enough to usually sleep on your own, to continue to enjoy sleeping nude throughout the winter, can be a problem. I have discovered, that if you have a double duvet, by lying on one half, and flipping the other over to cover you ( so that you turn it into a sort of sleeping bag) you can stay nice and warm AND, nude! Similarly, I would imagine that if a couple got two duvets, and slept on top of one of them, and under the other, it would have the same effect. Try it, it does make a lot of difference. :)


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RE: Top Tips For Keeping Warm!

You might like to check out the "Greener Nudists" group, for tips on home made solar power heaters.


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RE: Top Tips For Keeping Warm!

Just found this post I made a few months ago. We've just had the worst winter for nearly 20 years and with my heating still bust, I was sooooo glad I thought of this. It really IS a very good tip.
At last I'm as warm as toast, hehe. Don't tell anyone (cos I'm feeling more than a bit stupid, especially when I walk past a full length mirror, but it's a lot better than feeling cold and as long I don't have to answer the door, and if you keep quiet, no one will ever know) that I've just found my old ski suit. It's nice and loose, so with nothing underneath, It's the best thing next to being nude. In fact, it feels rather nice. I have had to put some socks on though, and that's a bit of a bummer, but hey, needs must! :)
Just thought I'd share that with all you lucky people that are still enjoying the sun, thought it might help you all appreciate how lucky you are! hehe. And if you, like me, are also suffering from the cold, go find your skiing gear, I won't tell anyone!


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RE: Top Tips For Keeping Warm!

Although living in the Frozen North, a tiny village just north-east of Leeds, we don't do too badly for warmth even in the depths of winter. Insulation, especially in the loft/roof makes a huge difference. We also have a south-facing conservatory which opens on to the lounge and this provides a huge amount of free solar heat even on dull days. Leave the door into the hallway open and the warm air drifts upstairs where it's trapped by the insulated loft space.
We've thought about getting cavity-wall insulation to keep in even more heat, but up here in my small office with a small southfacing window, the temperature often approaches 30C in the depths of winter; it's perfect for hanging out naked. It really is surprising how effective modern home insulation can be.

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