UK Male Nude Photo Sessions

Like many people on this site I like posing naked for photographs (and some of them are shown on TN!). If like me you are a guy who likes being photographed nude or you like taking pictures of other naked guys, join this group and maybe we can get a nude photo session sorted. Cheers

London male naturist

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Hi all, I'm Pete, 59yrs young (lol) , straight and single again, a keen amatuer photographer as well as being a naturist. I had been hoping to get some new pics done somewhere outdoors during the summer (what summer I hear you ask), but sadly I didn't get the opportunity. Therefore, I was wondering if there were any like minded people in ther London/South East area onhere that might like to get together for a photo session one evening or weekend for some mutual, strictly naturist, photography? I'm happy to accomodate or travel reasonable distances.

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RE: London male naturist

Hi I am Pete to yes why not better if I came to you

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