Tri-City Naturists Nebraska

Central Nebraska Naturist groups for anyone in Nebraska that is a home nudist or social nudist All age over 18 can join. Single, Couple, Bi or Gay. If you have any question contact us at Trying to get group start so that enjoy nudist in the outdoors and inside just chat and play games.

Beware of this

This showed up today in my mail on true nudist. Some ones attempt at blackmail. progdvdvrd 7 hours ago Hey! I have bad news for you. Using a photo of your face, as well as the information that you indicated in your profile, I managed to find your...

Getting nice out

Hope it continues to warm up. Things with the corona virus are settling down. Had my first shot last week. Hopefully we will be able to start getting together again soon.

Getting together?

Is it time for us to try and have an actual get together before our club that we worked hard to get started just fades away? Your thoughts?

Hope all is well

Hope everyone is staying healthy and sane. Lol hope this is over with soon. And folks can get together and socialise again. Until then be safe and make the most of it. Rev. B

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Member Well

I'm hoping were one is well and staying safe at home with your fwwt up on a chair. Group is still going be with the virus it slowed everything with the group. We will keep in contact with you.

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At this time we will not be have any activities as a group till we all know how bad it will get.

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New Nudist looking for Friends/Hangouts in...

Hi! Im new to this site and a relatively new nudist. I travel for a living and am currently in Nebraska. Posting to see if there are any other like-minded individuals looking for friends to hang with or if anyone knows of any nude places to rent...

2020 Roaring Twenty's are back

Have a Happy and Safe New Year everyone. Enjoy your nude time without freezing your parts off. Don

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Happy New Year

I hope 2020 proves to be a great nude year for all of you. Stay naked, but stay warm, if we can get through the next few months warm weather will be here again. Gayle

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Merry Christmas

I too would like to wish all my friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Nude Year!!

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