TN Needs Moderators 2

With the banning of neko,i figured i should make a new group so that we can keep fighting the fight... I dedicate this group to her for standing up to the pervs and the like on this site. Join us and stand up for what's right!

A previous posting on this matter has disappeared along with the first "TN needs moderators" group, soI posted what follows on Forum and decided it might be a good idea to repeat ithere:

Flaming is an offense for which TT1 can kick us out. Unfortunately, it's also an offense that is easily committed if we're not careful. If we get drawn into a flame war, we're no better than those who have baited us, no matter how good our intentions may have been.

Continue to complain, but try to not make it personal. Instead of, "You're a scumbag!", try "You are violating the rules of the site as clearly stated on this page (add the required link)".

If the person insults you,DON'T insult back. DO make a copy of the insult and flag that person. Let her or him have to defend her- or himself.And keep whatever evidence you have. It may come in handy.

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RE: Avoid flaming


I have seen the posting on another thread; however it is well worth repeating. Thank you for posting it on this thread. I agree with it 100%.

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NOT a dumb question

Here is the easiest way for me to explain it, though it may not be totally accurate: Flaming is any debatethat crosses the line into name calling, groundless accusations, insults, personal attacks and character assasninations. That is flaming per se. Sometimes flaming, which is bad enough on its own, spills into inciting others to harass, isolate, or otherwise disrupt a website or a person's enjoyment of the Internet. Asking others to fill someone's email inbox with messages of complaint could fall into that category, especially if the person is not a public official and, therefore, not truly accountable to an electorate.

Some people actually enjoy throwing insults around just to get reactions. This is what I call baiting. And when you're hot under the collar, it's so easy to fall into the trap instead of taking a step back and either considering a more thoughtful answer or deciding it's not worth comment.

Who can be affected? Anyone! Including me.

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RE: NOT a dumb question

Asking others to fill someone's email inbox with messages of complaint could fall into that category, especially if the person is not a public official and, therefore, not truly accountable to an electorate.

That was a rule with the original group, but NOT with this group. I myself abstained from that, because I thought it unwise.

To flood his email box with complaint messages -- without a doubt that infuriated TT1. Neko got carried away when she started the original group.

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