The Nude Lawnmower

Power or manual? Sit or walk-behind? Bagged or mulched? Neatly-trimmed or more natural? This is a group to discuss lawn care, to compare equipment (but guys, lets keep talk about deck height within reason, ok?) and to horse around; all while nude, of course

"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

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What a waste of time and a royal PITA!
I prefer a cannibal lawn! Besides, that would mean I actually need to get off my tractor. No thanks!
Would love to hear why some of you may think it's a good idea, as for me I haven't been able to figure it out.
"The juice ain't worth the squeeze"!

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

Since I used to cut my lawn with my Locke power reel (see the pic) only about four times a year, I used to rake the clippings to prevent brown spots. Good exercise, but thats about all.With the new Honda, I am trying to decide whether just feed it back to the lawn as mulch. Does this cause thatching? My life is already too complicated ...Cheers.
If you've never mulched, probably not a concern!
If you scratch your grass with your fingernails and you're down to the dirt? You definitely don't have to worry about thatching.
If you can't find dirt with your nails due to the thatch? You have a thatch issue!

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

Ok you guys back there you guys have way to much lawn. In Arizona "it's a desert". Plus we have to pick up the clippings. You guys have that soft grass, you may want to try something. Have you ever thought of rolling around on the grass clippings? Just a idea, you can look for the grass stains on your body's. :-)

From years of playing tackle football in the yard when a kid I found that the grass is really scratchy on your skin.

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

In hindsight, we are now wishing that we either put in artificial turf or did something different with those areas that are currently lawn. Our soil isn't the greatest and it takes lots of money and care, constantly, to keep it healthy, free of diseases/fungus and keep it a lush green. I'm not oppose to work and maintenance but really have better things to do than spend lots of time on our lawn. I do like taking care of the other landscaping and it would save us some money on water. Saying that, we've had enough rain that I haven't had the sprinklers on in a month and with this current rain, it'll be another couple weeks before I turn them on again!

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

I purchased a place covered in trees years sho, and removed about 80 of them. They were crap trees, red cedar, and before I did, grass would not grow. I sewed s brand new lawn and it took about s year before it looked nice. I bagged it the first year and it suffered greatly! It sucked up the dirt and it wouldnt thicken, plus the clippings are as good as fertilizer, so I stopped bagging and it grew to be s thick lucious lawn. Dont bag is my advice!!

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

I mulch was never on to pick up grass

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

I mow with a zero turn around and don't bag my grass

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

I mulch was never on to pick up grass

Pitching it into an open trailer with a pitchfork makes it a lot quicker and easier than any other method I've tried. And doing it sans sweaty and soggy clothes takes "effortless" to a new level.

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

how much are people spending just on water?

I pay for chlorinated water but I don't put it on my plants or grass. All that gets along well enough with plenty of rain. A few plants need help from a shallow water well during droughts. But the grass just has to tough it out. So far, so good. I'm in an area of the deep south USA where rainfall and ground water are not in short supply yet.

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