The Nude Lawnmower

Power or manual? Sit or walk-behind? Bagged or mulched? Neatly-trimmed or more natural? This is a group to discuss lawn care, to compare equipment (but guys, lets keep talk about deck height within reason, ok?) and to horse around; all while nude, of course

"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

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What a waste of time and a royal PITA!
I prefer a cannibal lawn! Besides, that would mean I actually need to get off my tractor. No thanks!
Would love to hear why some of you may think it's a good idea, as for me I haven't been able to figure it out.
"The juice ain't worth the squeeze"!

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

Well Lee, the clippings go back into the lawn as fertilizer... so to speak. So to back the clipping one might be doing harm to the eco system, I say let nature take its course here. Thou some might like a lawn with no clippings to get stuck on feet of shoes, just use a broom to brush off the clippings.

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

:DDD, I don't deal with mowing the lawn any more but when I did, I used a grass clipping catcher and dumped the clippings. Know what, it didn't matter if I bagged the clippings, I still got grass clippings on my bare feet! ;D

Usually turned my feet green too!

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

At 73 I still take care of my own 1/2 acre lot and do use the collector on the mower to collect the clippings. Once collected they go in a composting system along with kitchen scraps and refuse from the garden. During the hot Texas summers I can produce about 45 gallons of rich, black compost every two weeks which then either goes in the vegetable plots or gets spread over the lawn just before watering.

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

I still mow my own lawn and my new mower (just switched to a battery operated) like my old one has a mulching blade. Just let it go back into the lawn. If there's leaves on the lawn even better. I have bagged before when I let it get too long but only then.

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

Ok you guys back there you guys have way to much lawn. In Arizona "it's a desert". Plus we have to pick up the clippings. You guys have that soft grass, you may want to try something. Have you ever thought of rolling around on the grass clippings? Just a idea, you can look for the grass stains on your body's. :-)

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

I replaced my hover-mower with a cuttings collecting one because of the ear-bending I was getting from "her indoors" about grass cuttings getting into the house.

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

I only have small lawns and push the mower (Nude in the back, covered in the front). I do collect the clippings as I think it's neater and they are a fair base for compost. And as I sit and think I'm reminded of the Spanish saying Grassy-arse.

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

Now that I have a house in the country, I have a lawn that needs mowing. But I don't do it myself as I'm only there on weekends and might skip a weekend, so have a lawn service cut it. There is probably about two acres to mow on my property and they zip right through it with a large riding mower. There are lots of deer that love to munch on the lawn.

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

I'm not a clippings-bagger, except when the grass has gotten so long that I have big clumps which damage the lawn. Even then I usually just spread the clippings around, but sometimes I send it to compost. I have a private back yard where I can be nude. But in the front yard I don't even go shirtless, because I live in a conservative neighborhood where I'm sort of an outsider. So I cut the grass wearing clothes.

I guess the way I treat my yard is sort of like the classic joke about mullet haircuts: business in the front, party in the back...

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RE:"Clippings! I don't bag no stinkin' clippings"!

I actually used my bagger the other day!
No! I'm not a hypocrite!!! I needed the mulch for my garden beds.
I managed to Suck Up about 5 yards of leaves to amend the soil in the garden.
Only cost me a six pack! But I probably would have drank that even if I wasn't on the tractor so I guess it really doesn't count.
It was a fun day listening to 60's classics with my sound proof head phones while tooling around the yard on the tractor!
And it even qualified as work!
Life Is Good!

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