Tanning Salons

For those that use tanning beds or salons to keep up their no tan lines in the off season

Does anyone go to as tanning salon to keep up your no tan lines?

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My wife was given a coupon for a free week of tanning at a salon that had to be started before the end of 2015. She gave it to me so i went to get it started. The woman said I should start with a 15 minute session instead of the full 20 which I did. Since my bottom had not seen the sun in a couple of months on a regular basis I should have probably started with 10 minutes. Now it's a little uncomfortable to put on shorts. Not only that but the woman neglected to tell me that I needed to pull the top down when i got in the tanning bed so now have a severe tan line on the side of my butt which was the opposite of what I went there for. And since I only have a week to tan I don't know if i will even make it back for another session in time with this burn. Anyone else ever have this problem?

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