Sydney Social Nudists

For nudists who want to meet other nudists in a party, games night setting rather than at beaches or resorts.

Social Games Night

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I'm hoping to organise a games night for nudists who have been starved for social interaction in the Sydney region that didn't just include beaches, resorts or swim nights. If something like this interests you. Please reply to this forum.

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RE: Social Games Night

i am interested for sure. count me in.

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RE: Social Games Night

im interseted count me in

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RE: Social Games Night

Not sure about twister, but cards, poker, or the like, i am in. Sydnude82, are you happy to host?

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Sounds good. Count me in. Anything to avoid this cold weather.

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RE: games. im keen name a place and time

Well, if I supply the venue, you can each bring a game -- oh, and snackies!:)

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