Spiritual Naturists

If you like to read about spiritual values, and practice in the nude without sexual connotations. Any religions are welcome. Meditation, yoga and prayer alone or together.

Just a prayer for all Christian Nudists. May you always have ears to hear His word, eyes to see His desires, and the heart to seek His will. I pray that we can shine under His sun, and be wonderful examples for our fellow nudists. Remember others eyes are always on those who profess to be His. Keep it nude, not lude!!!

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RE: prayer for all - i chant this mantra for all

Loka samasta sukhhino bhabantu - let all be happy

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RE: prayer for all - i chant this mantra for all

Loka samasta sukhhino bhabantu - let all be happy

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RE: prayer for all

Loka samasta sukhhino bhabantu - let all be happy

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RE: prayer for all

Loka samasta sukhhino bhabantu - let all be happy

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RE: prayer for all

Asato ma sad gamayo - Lead me from bad to good

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RE: prayer for all - i chant this mantra for all

Tamaso ma Jyotirgamyo - Lead me from darkness to Light

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RE: prayer for all - i chant this mantra for all

Mrityorma Amringamayo - Lead me from death to Immortality

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RE: prayer for all - i chant this mantra for all

Mrityorma Amringamayo - Lead me from death to Immortality

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RE: prayer for all - i chant this mantra for all

Mrityorma Amringamayo - Lead me from death to Immortality

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RE: prayer for all - i chant this mantra for all

Om Sarvebai Sukheena santu sarvey santu niramay
Sarvey Bhadrani Pashyantu ma kaschit dukhamapnuat
Let all be in happiness, let all be healthy, let all see only good in others and let none be touched by sorrow.

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