Southwest Ohio Nudists

For folks living in the Cincinnati/Dayton area, including NKY and SE Indiana. Stop by and visit.

Caesar Creek Lake

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I've come across a "Location" page for Caesar Creek Lake .
There is no author or page creator listed, but ONE review written in January 2016 by someone who supposedly visited there in July of 2015.
In my three years on TN, I've never heard about Caesar Creek Lake as a nudist friendly PUBLIC beach.
Being a public STATE PARK, I am very skeptical this is a legitimate nudist destination.
I wonder if this is one of those wishfully speculative posts to attract others nudists to a location this person imagines is "a really great place for a nude beach". The significant problem with that is it might put an unsuspecting nudist into a very risky run-in with and violation of the LAW.
Does anyone have any knowledge of this location as a safe and nudist friendly beach and State Park?

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RE:Caesar Creek Lake


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RE:Caesar Creek Lake


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RE:Caesar Creek Lake

Sorry for all the posts. I thought I was editing/deleting my posts because the U.I. was unclear on my phone. It looks like Ohio is unfriendly to nudity and female breasts.

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