SouthWest Florida Fishermen

Florida is one of the greatest places to be a Fisherman. If you love to fish and live here or are visiting from time to time this may be the group for you. If you just like to fish and hope to visit here this may be the group for you. If you just like to talk fishing, this may be the group for you. Hoping to find others in this area or any area who are interested in Off Shore Fishing, Backwater...

i dont know when, but i am coming!

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Hey group! I am not sure when I will be down to your beautiful area, but I am coming. Naked fishing and boating would be awesome! I want you to know I am not a freeloader and will do my part to help. I can help with the boat or around your place to earn my chance to experience Florida's water. I can do simple labor or some involved project. Just ask! Hope to hear from any oneeven if it isa simple kayak outing!

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RE: i dont know when, but i am coming!

Glad to here that you are coming and that you are not a freeloader. Both are good news! I'm on my way north for the summer and there was no mention of about when you were thinking of coming. This time of year is a catch 22 for me as the fishing gets better every day here but I still have a home in the North and I'm not ready to give up a lot of things I still do up north every year including my yearly trips to Canada. Have to unload the home and think small northern condo. Anyway fishing is great right now. My last trip last week was with a couple I met here and we have fished together one day the last few years. One of the best days you could have on the water. We caught and landed over 20 sharks made up of Black Tips, Bulls, and Spinner Sharks, Had 6 Spinner Sharks break lines without landing them. They are one crazy shark!!! Moved to second location and we hooked and jumped 6 Tarpon, two of which were over 200#, one spooled us and has 300 yards of brand new line. We were spooled in less than 12 seconds. Hard to believe but true. Hope to be back for a couple week this summer but no idea when and of course returning sometime in the late fall.
Tight lines and sun block makes for a great day on the water!

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