Scuba Diving Nude

This group is for people who like to scuba dive nude and know of place to scuba dive nude.


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I have been certified for a long time. Here is my recommendation: 1st what kind of certification? resort certification is good only if you want to kill yourself!2nd think about yiur safety and you're scuba buddies safety! How long has it been since Ur Cert.& when U've been diving (naked in the pool doesn't count)! Recert doesn't take that long( if you are certified) lost card google Get yiur card no matter now old it is because unless you have proof yiu want get recert bt that org. Where' google we found a college close we've been recerted twice & logged so many dives incl many deep dives + 100'. Finally if yiu haven't been SD. Lately Its a whole new world of equipment out there. But to me can't go wrong with the basics + experience! Your new nudist & scuba friend!

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RE: Re-Certification?

Its not so much re-cert that is an issue but where to go. as of right now i am stationed in Hawaii on Oahu and i am just not sure where when or if i can find a place to go diving in the buff. any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

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