Reincarnation, Past Lives & Present

It's about the possibility that reincarnation is a real phenomenon or not. Just not based in faith if not in evidence. It's a space to discuss what has value to be taken as evidence, to share personal stories, to interchange ideas, etc.

Exploring past lives

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I'd be interested in chatting with anyone in this group who has done some past-life exploration. I am keenly interested in it myself and feel like I have a sense of what at least two of my past lives were, but haven't done any formal exploration.

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RE: Exploring past lives

Hello then,
What moves you to do such
an exploration? Recurrent dreams, memories from childhood, or spontaneous
remembrances? I use to have memories when I was a kid. Then I accustomed to
live with this. When some professionals like Ian Stevenson, Brian Weiss and
many other showed their work to the world, it encouraged me to explore into
myself. Always I thought that doing it, going back in time throughout hypnosis
was the best way and still consider it. During last year could reach 5
different lives and it was an extraordinary experience that still keeps me
astonished. Through these experiences could understand reiterative dreams, join
them with memories from ever, know links towards others, etc. Something odd
happened and it was that a Canadian medium appeared in the process. At first
discredit her because I cannot understand the mediumship phenomenon...hardly
accept the reincarnation stuff due to my memories when I was a kid. But then,
she told me details of past lives, the same ones I reached hypnotized and was
really amazed. I don't know what to think about reaching past lives through
mediumship. Anyway it's a very interesting journey, and it's very fruitful to oneself so I encourage you to peep a bit on it, specially if there are something restless in you, as well as something to heal.


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RE: Exploring past lives

Hey Jake, Thanks for sharing about your experiences. My interest comes from a couple of different recurrring experiences. It doesn't happen real often but regular enough that I have a couple of different recurring dreams of two completely different lifestyles, in two different times, in two different places and two different cultures: one in south England/Wales in the times of the Druids, and the other in the early days of the US in Arizona, perhaps as as Medicine Man, within a Native American Tribe. The other experience is that every time I go to Arizona or New Mexico, I get an overwhelming feeling like this is where I'm supposed to be....a sense of home and groundedness that I don't experience anywhere else. When I leave, I am always overcome with a strong emotional sense of being torn like a baby from a mother's arms. For two decades now, I have felt like the desert southwest is where I'm supposed to be. I'm fascinated by both periods of time, both cultures and sets of spiritual practices. But beyond that, and my own exploration through reading, and my nude wanderings in the AZ desert every chance I can get down there, I have nothing more to go on. Finding a medium or an opportunity to discuss and explore these through exercises, free-writing, etc. is where I'm at now.

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RE: Exploring past lives

I'm having troubles writing here, especially pasting links. That's why I did it as a quote.

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RE: Exploring past lives

interesting subject.. have done pas life regression and also sat in spiritual healing circle for many years and visited the Hopi2x when in AZ... from my former teacher we looked at the fact that we also live parallel lives?? interested to hear your thoights..
I can relate to feeling like your heart ripped out.. when i first visited USA i could not get back on plane to aus it was like coming back t a Big black hole...each time i am in Nth Hemisphere i feel like i am where i am meant to be.... has been so many times in USA life flows when i am there and doors open and opportunities arise...

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RE: Exploring past lives

Well....I bet you lived most (or even all) of your previous lives in the Nth Hemisphere, that's why you feel like a duck in the water. Is there a common pattern that relates American Natives from AZ with naturism? What do you think? Also found similar patterns with medieval and modern naturists from France and England feel comfortable with nudity in their present lives. What do you feel towards Navajo people? (they were enemies of the Hopis). "A big black hole": this expression seems to mean a feeling of imminent death, panic. It could be related to a recent life, do you consider it? Or do you think it remains from the Hopi life?
Going to the point, about parallel lives, I think it could be described in those terms. You know, mathematically it is possible. Just eliminate the variable time, and will get all spaces one over the other superimposed. Multiple (infinite) dimensions. On the other way we use to measure time in a line, but we can describe it as a helical path. What I keep in mind (one meaning in order to organize my ideas and experience chronologically) is that what I lived in the past, is my experience, and is part of my being. I won't change that because I'm in another time. And what I do now, influence in what comes next. So I consider variable time because it's comfortable to me. If you have the skill to organize your lives through other variables, then is fine.

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RE: Exploring past lives

re parallel lives equates to there is no such thing as TIME.. we are living these all at the same time.. a hard concept for many to get their heads around however often when we go to places we have "never" been before and just know where things are or how to get to a place without a map.. this could be in the "parallel living" .. this is especially when in other cities countries etc....
Re Hopi.. i know i have been a medicine man what tribe i am not sure... however suffice to say when i asked my former teacher who has lived with teh hopi where were they she just stated.. you will find them if you are meant to .. and yes i did .. i drove from sedona on my own in through country I had never been to and found them....
Also had another past life regression in days of Davey Crocket and could describe the country side etc am strongly intune with dolphins and water...
Hope this is thougth provoking.. also

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RE: Exploring past lives

I agree there's a possibility to consider existence without time. But also there is the possibility to consider it. I take time as well as miles or knots. You know you can say I'm 80 miles far from that place or you can say you are one hour far from that place. We can use time as a tool to measure distance, like others such as feet or yards. The concept of parallel living is one of some ways to explain what you say. Or may be all combined. Other hypothesis to explain pre-cognition are quantum physics. Anyway I see you're convinced with the hypothesis of parallel living, all running at the same instant, past, present and future. If you stay with this, I respect you. I'm restless and cannot be satisfied for only one explanation, I need proof or evidence. It also provokes me anxiety.
As you quicly describe, to be in tune with nature and its creatures, it allows me to think you was a medicine person in your past lives, but no only one, if not in some of your lives you are in harmony with nature. Also at present one.
Till soon.

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RE: Exploring past lives

RE: Exploring past livesHave gone through a past life regression! And found a lotof current friends there!Hey! Beg your pardon for delaying to post here. Some circunstances made me be away. Anyway....what time is...? LoL Really, I bet in these years you had much more experiences about past lives. May I know in which context you found actual friends in other lives?

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RE: Exploring past lives

What have you all found to be the best way to explore those past lives? Any good recommendations on a medium or someone else who could facilitate that unveiling? Esp interested if they are in Phoenix or Arizona.

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