Redheaded League

Those of us with red hair tend to have very fair skin which isn't the best for being naked in the sun. Here's a place where redheads can hang out and relax in a UV-free environment.

Red hair and bullying

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Have you ever been bullied or criticised because you have red/ginger hair? Here in the UK it can be a real problem as, for some reason, ginger is seen to be a bad thing. This is a fairly recent development and I certainly wasn't aware of it as a kid, but it's quite well documented these days.

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RE: Red hair and bullying

So you have the firery redhead's temper too? :-)

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RE: Red hair and bullying

Have you ever been bullied or criticised because you have red/ginger hair?...I certainly wasn't aware of it as a kid, but it's quite well documented these days.
Well, I may not be a redhead, but I know about being bullied in school. I have learned recently ofthis dislike ofredhead people and I don't understand what's behind it. I've known a few redheads in my life - one was a roommate in college - but I didn't think any differenly of them becuse of it. Being'bullied' or picked on for no reason is no fun; I know that first hand and don't like peoplethat do it.The likely hood of me meeting any of you is unlikely, but I'd like to be considered an ally here in this group, if you'll have me. Let me know.

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RE: Red hair and bullying

My gma used to say that i had it pretty bad..joking of course...the red hair, being irish, and a leo! Bad, bad combo! LOL

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RE: Red hair and bullying

I used to be married to a Leo. Grandma was right

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picked on

I think screw them because they are jellous. I enjoy having red hair.

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