Real Couples

A group for couples who are proven to be nudists

we are very supportive of nudism

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We are of course members of a resort, been to several others, know people from all over who we have met in person, NOW to the point

I was doing some research concerning the laws against our freedoms, and also the general thoughts on our lifestyle

I found that 95 percent of all searches a person may make looking for information on NUDISM will lead you to a Porn site. NO Wonder others continue to think nude equals sex.

I am actually appalled by this, not surprised as many are ignorant of the lifestyle....

I was amazed to see all the pictures and stuff of people having sex etc posted on websites promoting nudism? WTF

How are we ever going to overcome and promote our REAL nudist lifestyle?



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RE:we are very supportive of nudism

It's certainly a problem and one that I/we encounter when speaking to those that no little to nothing of nudism/naturism. One of the first things out of every misinformed person's mouth is ... "aren't there, like orgies at those places?" WTH is right! I look at some of our friends and say ... "do you know us or do you think you know us? Is that something you think we'd be involved in?" They become defensive and say things like, "well, that's what I was told or what I read." Our response is "you been told wrong and you read some really bad information. If you really want to know what goes on at nude resorts and clubs, we'll tell you."

Not many people want to know what really goes on within our lifestyle. Occasionally, we run across someone that really is interested and wants to know more about it. My esthetician has been very interested in the lifestyle and while getting waxed, she'll ask me lots of questions. Don't think she'll become one or is interested in trying it but at least she wants to be informed and informed with correct information.

So many "nudist/naturist" sites, that have pictures, are almost all soft porn sites and even some hardcore porn pics within those sites. It gives those thinking about visiting clubs and resorts or beaches the idea that, that is what goes on there so it must be okay. One of the big reasons we are losing our nude beaches here on the West Coast.

One of the things I've had trouble with is that there are actually "nudists" that are willing to watch some of this stuff happen and not say a think to the violators about the ramifications of their actions. Di and I spent way too much time policing our nude beach and less time enjoying ourselves but there were those that were supposedly "hardcore nudists" that would sit and watch this stuff go on and not speak up. Then they complained because the beach got taken away.

All some of us can do is continually educate as best be can and hopefully more and more will understand exactly what nudism/naturism is and what this lifestyle is all about. One of the biggest arguments on this site, over on the forums, is that "nudism isn't about sex," but many so called nudists that use nudism to spice up their lives, turn that around and try and make it sound as though "nudists don't have sex," and that we're not telling the truth about the lifestyle. That is such BS and not what many of us are saying. So ... we have issues within our own community of nudists that could actually be spreading the wrong info to those misinformed people.

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RE:we are very supportive of nudism

Way to say it! T&D

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RE:we are very supportive of nudism

I totally agree.
When I first shared my new love for naturism with my kids, they brought up some of those society generated thoughts, but they know and respect their dad, and were open to my decision and to understand more about it.
All were excepting but not necessarily understanding......yet!
I think the new generation of young adults, the millennials, are ripe for the lifestyle. It's a generation of open thinkers similar to the 60s who are questioning everything. With the right presentation I think we would see a whole new wave of converts.
Perhaps we need to start a "New" movement!

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RE:we are very supportive of nudism

Interestingly, none of my / our friends with whom the subject has come up, has ever brought up the thought of orgies, or of sexual immorality in general. Of course, we live and have our friendships mostly in professional circles and in a conservative Christian church and I suppose since they know us, it doesn't occur to them that we'd be involved in such things (to the few that know we've participated in social nudity).

It may also be that they have never searched for nudist topics. I know that I have my search engines defaulting to safe or moderately-safe search, which generally show nudist sites but omit the lurid porn sites.

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RE:we are very supportive of nudism

The point I was trying to bring forward is when someone does try to research Nudism and or even resorts they may run right into a site that may show NOT Nudism but sexual situations,

We are nudists, not swingers, not against what anyone else elects to do but .......if a person is going to try nudism they may decide to do research on the net and be discouraged by misinformation,

When we decided to try this we did some minor research and found a place close to home, we went and found it to be wonderful, Joined, bought a place, became life members etc, but if we would of seen some of the "nudist" sites we have since found we would of probably never ventured out and found the truth.


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RE:we are very supportive of nudism

...but if you, T&D, were like Di and I and started decades ago, most nudist/naturist website were pretty tame and non sexual. As the internet grew and there was money to be made, "sex sells", and websites began springing up all over and the capitalized on hooking those looking for non sexual nudism with their sexual side of being nude. When we started and I was researching sites and places to go, there wasn't the amount of pictures and links to alternative websites like there are now.

Swinging used to be something no one talked about or if you heard about it, it was confined to a small group and parties were held at member's homes. Nowadays, it's right out in the open, they've taken over many of our nudist venues and they are more open about their lifestyle than we are of ours. Nudist clubs and resorts allowing these groups to take over a weekend, take over entire camping areas ... allow them to do whatever they want because they spend money.

There are less and less of those that are pure nudists and more hobby/occasional/recreational/part time nudists. Some of these use nudism and nudist venues to spice up their lives and sex lives. It's something they only do away from home and don't see it as a lifestyle like some of us do. These are the people searching for more than pure nudism and their need drives the increase in websites that attract them and make the site owners money.

This site began as pure as we'd all like nudism to be but even TN has pushed those boundaries and not only allowed anyone to join; fakes, pervs, trolls but has allowed questionable photos to be uploaded, questionable groups to be formed and a sister site that promotes the very thing we are discussing and having issues with. Frustrates us just as it's frustrating you.

We, nudists, can be our own worst enemy ... sometimes. ;-)

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RE:we are very supportive of nudism

Well said! Thank You...
We can only continue to spread the truth and lead by example.

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RE:we are very supportive of nudism

I totally agree with you,.
They certainly have had an up-hill battle of acceptance.
Sort of like us as nudists.
Sexual preference, gender, color, nationality makes no difference to me.
I just like the social element of like minded people to our lifestyle.
This should be a hypocrite free zone!
Welcome all!

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RE:we are very supportive of nudism

I agree it is a long road, no doubt, as far as giving up careers etc I completely understand we cannot give up our income for something we feel is morally correct, This overall idealism is clouded with the misinformation that a person can find on the net, If a couple or single wants to try this and researches the Ideals of nudism they will be misinformed and create many ideas based upon what they may stumble on, So therefore they may choose not to visit their local resort or beach based upon what they have read.

We need to try and overcome and I am considering creating a website to combat the misinformation

We actually have been members here for 8 plus years, left and found there were no better places, but even this website is clouded with close up views of peoples private areas. we try not to post anything that wouldn't be considered Normal for Normal nudists


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RE:we are very supportive of nudism

I agree it is a long road, no doubt, as far as giving up careers etc I completely understand we cannot give up our income for something we feel is morally correct, This overall idealism is clouded with the misinformation that a person can find on the net, If a couple or single wants to try this and researches the Ideals of nudism they will be misinformed and create many ideas based upon what they may stumble on, So therefore they may choose not to visit their local resort or beach based upon what they have read.We need to try and overcome and I am considering creating a website to combat the misinformationWe actually have been members here for 8 plus years, left and found there were no better places, but even this website is clouded with close up views of peoples private areas. we try not to post anything that wouldn't be considered Normal for Normal nudistsT&D


I truly think you could do well with the model you are proposing. Too many times, the money coming in from members and perspective members, takes over the ideals and real reason for the website that had good intentions. I belong to a sight that doesn't have all the bells and whistles; no chat room, a Gallery of real nudists but no internet photos, no discussions on erections, shaving, piercings ... very little on religion and politics. It's not as active as this site or a couple others I'm on but it's real and it's real nudists talking about everyday life, travels and friendship.

The site makes no money. There is no membership fee. There are two levels of membership and the second level must be earned by time, contribution and content of posts in the active topics of the forum. Some of those I've invited left after a short time because for them, it was boring, but the real true nudists have stayed and understand what they idea is behind that site.

That site has survived well over a decade with that model and the members we get nowadays are those that are invited by long time members of that group. It's not entirely by invitation but it sure helps keep out the undesirables. I think your idea for a website that is along those lines and not allowing just anyone to join, is something so many nudists/naturists are begging for. If you decide to go that route, I would be very interested in joining your website and chipping in for membership or to get the site going.

Wishing the best of luck with that venture should you decide to do so!


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