Real Couples

A group for couples who are proven to be nudists

Christmas pictures?

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We always take Christmas pictures of ourselves by the tree or by one of the trees, Hope you may consider doing so as well, ours will be up in the next day or so as soon as Tracy agrees on which ones she likes


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RE:Christmas pictures?

Putting the tree up soon. Will post a pic as soon as I can.

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RE:Christmas pictures?

No tree yet. We always get a fresh cut tree but Di is wavering this year and we may end up with an artificial tree next year. Be nice to have one last naked in front of the Christmas tree picture of us both! See what we can put together!

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RE:Christmas pictures?

The tree is decorated , and the Christmas village is set up. Picture time!

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RE:Christmas pictures?

Great pictures , we were going to take ours and I got hurt at work. I tore off part of my hand, got it stuck between a concrete truck and a fence, four hours of doctors working on my hand and a large bandage that looks like a club,, anyway I am suppose to remove the bandage and packing this weekend so we will get ours done


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RE:Christmas pictures?

So sorry to hear about the accident. Hope all goes well for you. We will post ours soon...Darrell/Jan

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RE:Christmas pictures?

Dang Dan! Don't worry about the picture, just get well! Sorry to hear about your accident!

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RE:Christmas pictures?

Wow! Hope you heal quickly Dan! Take care!

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RE:Christmas pictures?

Ouch Dan! Get well soon!

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RE:Christmas pictures?

Sure hope the hand heals completely with no lose of use.

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RE:Christmas pictures?

The hand is healing, worst injury I have had while working, you never realize how much you use your "off" hand. Stated working but try to limit what I do. Good news my hand still holds a beer when needed. LOL, I was awake thinking of how lucky I am.... Yes I got hurt but if the truck would of moved another half inch it would of ripped off two fingers, then it would of been much worse,,, it did tear my hand lost little meat had 50 stitches, some a inch long but you know I am blessed., Thank each of you for your concern


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