Real Couples

A group for couples who are proven to be nudists

read thru profiles

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I often read thru the profiles of people who contact us, well in fact I read them all, But to the point why is it so hard to fill out some info? Also why do some say their relationship is Complicated REALLY? You don't know if your married or have someone special in your life? Heck I know Tracy is my wife, NOT complicated or unavailable......Really with thousands of members here how many are Nudists? Liars? pervs?

Its either me or just a new found pet peeve LOL. You got to read them and then you will see


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RE:read thru profiles

I read the profiles and I am not an administrator of a group. There are some that are new and I can see where they might not know how much they want to open up on line. I look at what groups they belong to and that helps to tell me the rest of the story. I find it interesting where they place a nebulous sexual orientation and then the groups and friends list tell me all I need to know. Married or not married is the same thing. So my question is why do they think they need to hide something in their profile that turns out to be almost painfully obvious elsewhere?

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RE:read thru profiles

I read through almost every profile from members that request friendship, request admittance into one of my groups and some of those that look at our profile. I also look through the pictures in their profile, the groups they belong to. As stated above, you can get quite a bit info from pics and groups these people belong to, to formulate a profile of what they are here for.

T&D, it is a Pet Peeve that many of us have ... Blank, Private or Minimally filled out profiles with more pictures than information about themselves. I move on from "It's Complicated," "Married but Looking," ... it's obvious they need to be over at the sister site and need to stay outta here. I also do not approve people as friends or in my groups that have dozens of pictures of themselves in the same exact pose; sitting on the couch/legs spread, sitting in a recliner/legs spread, standing/legs spread, sitting at the kitchen table/legs spread, sitting on the porch/legs spread ... mostly guys that ensure the camera's pointed right up between their legs so their genitals are the main focus.

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RE:read thru profiles

yep, I read everyone's profile who views my profile. now that I have been a member for while I have set some policies for myself.

if it is a married, straight couple, with a profile photo, I send a message saying, "thx for dropping by"
I do the same for most straight, divorced, widowed or singles who come by, if they have a with photo and most blocks completed.

I hit the block button:
if the profile is set to "private", when sexual orientation is set to NA , gay or bi-curious, if they have the TN stock photo of the female torso & leaf, and all/most blocks are NA.

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RE:read thru profiles

I hit the block button:if the profile is set to "private", when sexual orientation is set to NA , gay or bi-curious, if they have the TN stock photo of the female torso & leaf, and all/most blocks are NA.
I used to do that. Several years back I had a talk with Andy through the message system and he pointed out that I wasn't here for sex and that it was equally likely that gays and bi's weren't either. I thought that over and it made perfect sense. Yes, I have blocked or ignored a lot of guys who got too "personal" over the ensuing years. On the other hand, I chat frequently with a fellow who states that he is gay and who even has "gay" in his username. In all the time that we have chatted he has never once made an inappropriate comment nor has he made any comment at all about my image on cam. It goes without saying that he has never made any vulgar references to my wife which is more than I can say about any number of straight men I have met here.

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RE:read thru profiles

At least for me, I have limited time and energy for TN conversations. I prefer to spend it in conversations with those where we have obvious common interests right up front. Seeking liaisons is never in the picture anyway. For those who want that, they don't need to waste their time on me.

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