Real Couples

A group for couples who are proven to be nudists

its amazing how many fakes cant read or comprehend

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I get many requests to join our group, I spend time reading their profiles etc, So many are from single men or from men who are in the very unpleasant position of their wives are not interested, WELL HELL this group is for real COUPLES so of course I delete them and often send them a rejection notice.....

we do not intend on having a group with a million friends/members we want a group where there is at least a effort made to insure the people here are indeed nudists


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RE:its amazing how many fakes cant read or comprehend


I face the same issues with my groups and friend requests. It states quite clearly in our profile that comments should accompany a friend request yet that rarely happens and if it does happens, it's not really what I'm looking for.

With about a dozen groups that I Moderate, the requests to join is sometimes endless. I also look through profiles and find blank, private or minimally filled out profiles of people trying to join when it states clearly that those people having those types of profiles will not be allowed to join. Sometimes I feel that a few continually do this on purpose just to waste my time.

I don't want friend collectors or group collectors as friends or members of my groups. I've found people on here that upload dozens of pictures and are members of 30, 40, 50 and more groups but never engage in any conversations on topics or discussions. All they want to do is look at the groups picture galleries. It's bothersome for one person so for those groups that are bit more active with requests to join, I have Co Mods to help me out.

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RE:its amazing how many fakes cant read or comprehend

you were a member of the original group that was closed when we left, I try to take time to do the same thing you have described, we are just involved with five, (three are ours) One is a local person that refers people to our resort for a courtesy , I just love when a person from India etc wants to join, THEY HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO TREAT WOMEN WITH RESPECT,,,,, Sorry I cannot stand people who treat people they claim to love like second class humans

so with that being said,,,,, yes I am a person who will also judge others based on their actions,,,, in fact I state that very clearly in our profile

everyone is equal until you decide your better than someone else, You love your wife and I love mine, I live for the chance everyday to elevate her not degrade her


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RE:its amazing how many fakes cant read or comprehend

I only had 4 or 5 of my own groups but took over the others because the original owner of the group left the site. I hated to see the group just die and none of the other members would step up to take it over. I also help out a few other members as a Co Mod. One of the reasons I do this is to screen potential members and do my best to keep the fakes out.

A Co Mod and I just went through my 50 Plus Nudist group and clean out our members list. Many of those we deleted were people like I eluded to in my last post; friend and group collectors just to look at pictures and zero involvement in discussions. People from other countries is a tough one for me as well and I try and be fair but tend to look over those profiles a bit more closely, though I do agree with you that those countries that treat women with disrespect, never get mine.

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