Problems With Truenudist Website

this is a place where people can log the problems with the workings of the website. I couldn't find place else for such info so I thought I'd post a group. Lets see if anyone notices. Post your mis-links and crashes here. Please nothing about other members or discussions or Photos. Just Technical problems.

You can't post on Groups

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Im the moderator here, but I can't post on many other groups I've tried

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RE: You can't post on Groups

I can't find that group in the index. I have had problems ever sice I got my new 64bit computor with Windows 7. I enter a response like this one and, when I click Submit, It comes up with an empty box and words in red askeing me to enter (or is it write) the message. I finally worked how to do it. I hit the back button. The box reappears full o0f my text, I hit Submit and this time it works. Occasionally it comes up with a message telling me I'm not loged in (even though I am). Then all is lost. If I want to edit any of my entries I have to use an old 32bit computor with Windows XP. Is it that this site hasn't kept up with technology despite the fairly recent upgrade?

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