Problems With Truenudist Website

this is a place where people can log the problems with the workings of the website. I couldn't find place else for such info so I thought I'd post a group. Lets see if anyone notices. Post your mis-links and crashes here. Please nothing about other members or discussions or Photos. Just Technical problems.

At about this time of day/night the website gets incredibly SLOW every day. Right now its 8 or 9 pm in the UK and Europe. I guess it's early to mid afternoon in the USA so doubt it is down to heavy usage, even though it may be peak time in Europe.

WHY? If it's down to the site doing some housekeeping - please chose an earlier time (say 3 hours earlier).

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RE:So Slow!!!

And it's still incredibly slow at this time of day/night. Remember TN is worldwide. Those in the USA may not be active right now (around 3pm) but it's peak time in Europe. Please do any fixes even earlier.

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