Problems With Truenudist Website

this is a place where people can log the problems with the workings of the website. I couldn't find place else for such info so I thought I'd post a group. Lets see if anyone notices. Post your mis-links and crashes here. Please nothing about other members or discussions or Photos. Just Technical problems.

Help me, help me! I'm driving friend nuts.

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Need a fix but no one in charge is helping me. I logged on to the Beta testing for this site a few months ago. Just before all the upgrades to the site (like most, confused on others). I posted an event about an RV trip my wife and I were planning to the west coast of FL. Harmless new feature that I could share with all my Florida friends. Maybe get a response from a west coaster to meet along the way. Well I expected where the event had dates it would expire and disappear from TN. Well it hasn't most if not all my TN friends still are getting a notification for the "Event" and I have no way to delete it from my profile. Sorry everyone I have been doing my best to stop it. I would appreciate anyone help as I am not getting any response from the administrator(s) here or even the censors who are too busy searching for porn shots here on TN. I have tried to be very active on TN and am also the moderator of the Apollo Nudists Group. Please join if you are in the Canaveral National Seashore Area..Great bunch of people
... I have posted Bug fixes but again NO RESPONSE Posted a Dumby Event to explain my wows... now how do I delete that?
Other have sent me messages to delete the event. The event is no where on my profile, not listed in my events nor can I see if it has re-posted or been deleted. I have thought of deleting my account and opening a new one but then I will lose over 100 friends and my status as "Social Director in my TN Group.
HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... Please... Pat
p.s. of course....... None of the function on events work either. Who's attending, who's not etc.

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RE: Help me, help me! I'm driving friend nuts.

I found a way of contacting TT2 . You can do a search for "teamtrue" or You will find him amongst the friends of people like PIPearl4Christ. Click on the icon and his profile will come up (in the same way as any other TN member) and you can send a message (in the same way as any other TN member). It probably works for TT1 too

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