Problems With Truenudist Website

this is a place where people can log the problems with the workings of the website. I couldn't find place else for such info so I thought I'd post a group. Lets see if anyone notices. Post your mis-links and crashes here. Please nothing about other members or discussions or Photos. Just Technical problems.

Do you like the new TN site better than the old one. I liked the old "Your Account" (now Home) page better for its layout but the new site gives more flexibility. On balance I like it better. What do you think?

I have 2 problems now. The old method of posting pictures into discussions no longer works, but we can insert them into a group gallery. And ---Where have my posts gone. I did well over 520 and now the tally is only 424 - thats around 100 vanished! On touring some of my groups I have found that some replies to topics have dissappeared. Is this censorship on the grand scale or did some babies get thrown out with the bathwater?

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RE: The new site

Well both problems are sorted now. Posting photos into discussions is even easyer than before and I've stuck my spoke ito so many topics the number has climbed back up.

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RE: The new site

boo hiss

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RE: The new site

Its taken a while for it to settle down, but I think it will be fine. Just have to learn how to navigate around it. Its a great site, so a few glitches are worth putting up with. You pointed out your problems and either you've learnt how to deal with them or they've been fixed.

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