Pizza Lovers

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Favorite pizza places

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what's your favorite pizza place? mine is girodano's and pizza hut.

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RE: Favorite pizza places

Depends on the city I'm living in. I have lived in Pennsylvania, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, and Indinana and was lucky enough to find good pizza wherever I lived. While vacationing in Las Vegas, the brew pub at the Monte Carlo hotel had excellent brick oven pizza. Totano's in Brooklyn is a bit different than most pizza places, and good. Kind of famous locally. You had better love pizza - that's all they serve!

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RE: Favorite pizza places

There was a GREAT pizza place in Hastings Michigan a while back...I think the place closed down, I'm not sure, but it was called Northside Pizza. The best I've ever had!!!! Pizza franchises, I would have to go with Cottage Inn.

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RE: Favorite pizza places

The Jolly Italian Restaurant, Elm Row, Edinburgh - Beautiful pizza, cooked in a wood-burning oven.

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RE:Favorite pizza places

i no longer eat pizza inside the store because of the barefoot issue.
my favorite when i did (quite a long time ago) was shakey's(r).
now, if i want pizza already cooked, i pick it up from domino's(r) or papa john's(r), whichever has the better deal.. if i want a take-and-bake, papa murphy's(r) is good for that. the places have no problem with me coming in and grabbing my order.
i always hope to find another barefoot person in the store, but thus far have been denied the opportunity.

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