Pizza Lovers

For those of us who love pizza

favorite toppings?

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what's your favorite topping? mine are bacon,pepperoni,sausage..

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RE: favorite toppings?

I love extra cheese,ham,mushrooms and olives

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RE: favorite toppings?

For the meats, my favorites are pepperoni, sausage, and meatball. For vegetables, I love mushrooms, onions, green peppers, and broccoli. Sometimes, black olives. I've tried jalepenos, but the after effect was nasty. It did the flamign sowrd dance thorugh mny gut the whole night! lol. There are several pizza joints near me that offer a buffalo chicken pizza which ilike. I've made pizza at home with shrimp (added last and only baked fo rabout 5 min), and a local place had a calimari pizza - excellent! Anchovies are OK, but kind of salty. Hey, I'd eat just about any kind of pizza.

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RE: favorite toppings?

My favorite would have to be Pepperoni,and as far as the Cheese goes,I Love That also,and I have orderd a pizza with XX cheese befor,and now would Love to try one with xxxx Cheese,I know,Thats a lot of Cheese.Has anyone else ever Tried xxxx cheese?

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RE: favorite toppings?

My favourite toppings: pepperoni, mushroom, peppers, olives, onions, ham, shicken, cheese - everything really!

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RE:favorite toppings?

beef and mushroom, for certain. if the place has artichokes, those create my third topping. if not, the i go with pineapple.
if a place has no beef, chicken is my next choice.
no pepperoni or sausage; my stomach gets uncomfortable with those.

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