Pierced Genital Nudest

geaital pierced

Guys with Prince Albert

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Hey guys! Let's talk about our Prince Albert!
Also would like to hear about other piercings too. What made you do it? Do you regret it? Do you want more? What's it like in social settings? Do your partners like it? Do people like to talk to you about it?

I got my PA in March of 2014. So about 3.5 years. I had seen pictures of them and initially thought it was crazy to do something like that. I wasn't into body modification at all. Not against it, but I just was afraid to do something permanent that I'd regret later. Then it started to become a fascination. I was really intrigued and excited by the look of them. I started to really want one. It became an obsession almost for a while. I was doing research, looking at all kinds of photos, trying to get info on what the experience was like. How bad did it hurt? Would it afffect my sensitivity? What's it like to live with?

So I found a guy in Asheville NC would advertised on his website that he did male genital piercings. Which, is actually really hard to find! Most piercing shops, at least around me, would only do female, if any genitals at all. I went one day to talk to him. He was awesome! His studio was cleaner than most doctors offices. Every single piece of metal was in a sterile package. He knew his stuff, was very educated, even though he had only done a small handful of PAs before. He came from Arizona or New Mexico where they require education and certification.

He set everything up, had me take a big deep breath and on the exhale, the needle went through!
It did hurt...for all those who will ask. Yes it did hurt. But! It wasn't terrible. You can pinch your skin with your fingernails and achieve the same type and level of pain. It's quick, and it doesn't hurt afterwards, although it can be a little tender for a while.

Two things you should do with a PA, I learned the hard way. Take your time gauging up! Let it get "happy" before you go up a size. Keep it super clean! Don't be afraid to clean it several times a day. Also use something moisturizing and lubricating like Vitamin E oil or Emu oil to keep a dry scab from forming. This is one wound you want to heal in a moist environment. Trust me, breaking that scab accidentally is worse then the piercing!

Took me most of these 3.5 years to go from 10g to 0g. And I absolutely love it! I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. I love the look, the feel, the fact that it's a conversation piece. And yes I do get a lot of questions, and a lot of compliments. It's really fun to have something like that this is just for you, it was your decision, for your enjoyment, and for others viewing (or other) pleasure.

No.....it's completely fine in the airport....a PA is the least of their worries.....

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RE:Guys with Prince Albert

6 ga in the moment. I want to have 4.

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RE:Guys with Prince Albert

I have an 8 gauge and thats what he started me at 3 1/2 years ago. I should upgrade to a 6 or a 4 but been concentrating on my tattoos more. One day Ill go bigger

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RE:Guys with Prince Albert

Currently have a 2 g. Could probably fit a zero g. Love the feel of the extra weight!

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RE:Guys with Prince Albert

Totally agree with the hygiene/cleaning of it when you first get it. I found drinking lots of water was the best way to keep it clean, as the more you urinate, the more it healed quickly. Definitely no alcohol or fruit juices for the first few weeks

No need to lay off the alcohol. Just bathe it in salty water (AKA saline solution) each day.

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RE:Guys with Prince Albert

Got pierced with an 8ga this spring and quickly moved up to a 2. I just went to a 0 ga and will stay there. Sometimes I will put two small ones in, as the girlfriend likes it.

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RE:Guys with Prince Albert

I went for a nude audition yesterday. When they saw my 8mm (0 gauge) PA they said WOW!

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RE:Guys with Prince Albert

I also once thought the idea of piercing my penis to be abhorrent. But over time the idea began to appeal to me and I found myself seeking pictures of penises with a PA as well as reading about the procedure. Then a few years later I met a man who had a PA while my wife and I were visiting a nude resort in West Virginia. I admired it, asked a few questions and later remarked to my wife that I had thought about getting a PA. That was all it took. A few weeks later she drove me to a tattoo and piercing salon to have it done.

That was about 3 yrs ago and I have never regretted it. I started at a 12 ga and over time have slowly upsized. I've been at a 2 ga for about 6 months and enjoy the added sensation of more weight. It makes it more challenging to pee neatly but I typically sit to pee anyway, so in not that big a deal. Not sure if I will go to 0, but if I do, I will go no further.

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RE:Guys with Prince Albert

I also once thought the idea of piercing my penis to be abhorrent. But over time the idea began to appeal to me and I found myself seeking pictures of penises with a PA as well as reading about the procedure. Then a few years later I met a man who had a PA while my wife and I were visiting a nude resort in West Virginia. I admired it, asked a few questions and later remarked to my wife that I had thought about getting a PA. That was all it took. A few weeks later she drove me to a tattoo and piercing salon to have it done.

That was about 3 yrs ago and I have never regretted it. I started at a 12 ga and over time have slowly upsized. I've been at a 2 ga for about 6 months and enjoy the added sensation of more weight. It makes it more challenging to pee neatly but I typically sit to pee anyway, so in not that big a deal. Not sure if I will go to 0, but if I do, I will go no further.

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RE:Guys with Prince Albert

My experience is the same as yours. I thought of getting a PA just about 3 years ago. My friend pointed out all the (supposed) drawbacks. Then he announced that he'd had one himself. So I went and got one, initially 1.2mm (16 gauge). I've gradually worked my way up and now have an 8mm (0 gauge) PA. I may stop there. It is chunky and gets noticed. Incidentally I sit to pee too - then wipe the drips off the PA

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RE:Guys with Prince Albert

Hi Guys
Nice to see, so many others that love their PA :) I'd been thinking about getting one for years, as I'd always liked them and a mate had got one and I loved the look and feel of it. One day I just decided to go for it and found myself in the studio, waiting to get it done. I have to be honest, the waiting was the worst part lol. The actual procedure, didn't hurt at all, in fact my nipples hurt a hell of a lot more, there was just a sharp pinch and that was it. The sense of relief and liberation, as I walked out, was huge :)
I started off with an 08g and then after about 4 months, went back for an 06g, then an 04g. I planned to stop at an 02g but when the piercer said to me " welcome to the big league ", began to think about an 0g lol. I waited about 6 months and then took the plunge and went for it. The actual jump from a 6mm to an 8mm, hurt more than the actual initial piercing and took awhile to settle down and get used to, but all this time, I had the thought of an 00g in my head. I like to use sounds and I began to stretch my exit hole myself, taking my time with the help of lube and poppers lol. I ordered a 00g on line and then one night, decided to go for it. I took my time with a sound and then the 00g just slid in nicely. It took awhile to get used to the stretch and extra weight but I've never had any trouble with it. I leave it in all the time, but I actually have a 12mm that I sometimes, put in and that big boy wears 5oz and feels fantastic. It's too heavy to leave in all the time but I love the stretch it gives my cock, as it swings about lol
Anyway, my advice to anyone thinking about getting one is, go for it. I love mine and don't regret it at all . I hope this helps someone, to take the plunge. Good luck xx

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