Photography Nudists

This group is for those who love Photography! Whether your an amatuer or professional, it doesn't matter. Tell us what your favorite type of photographs are to take. It could be Nature, Portrait, Self-Portrait, Studio, People, Nudes, etc.

Views on Photography and Nudists

Photography and Nudists is discussed here in the General Forum. Some members of this Group may find it interesting and wish to contribute to the thread

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Is this group dead or what?

Hundreds of members andonly two or threeof you can add to the conversation to keep this group going? What is the point of being a member of a discussion group if you won't discuss anything? Surely somebody here has some intelligent thought that...

page could not be found

apparently there is some glitch in the forum. the submit button takes you a google type page with the message page could not be found message at the top.

Those old slides and negatives

Some of the shots in my collection are new, shot with either a Nikon D-90 or a Canon S3IS. Ohers are old from slides and negatives that I have been going through. I was pleased to see how much I enjoyed seeing those old shots again, more clearly...

Photo tip # 6

hoto tip 6 If you are lucky enough to have a good model, good lighting and a nice background dont neglect to take several shots of the same pose varying the camera angle while zooming in and out. A professional may shoot several hundred frames to...

Photo tip # 5

Photo tip 5 Snap shot or photograph? Every once in a while a quick snapshot turns into an award winning photograph but that is pure dumb luck. For consistant pictures which are a step above the snapshot quality attention to detail is important....

Photo Tip 4

Photo tip 4 Digital has brought a whole new dimention to photography. Photo editing sofware, Photoshop, for example, gives us the ability to easily modify photos for the better. Please see my post New Pic (modified). I had a photo which I felt was...

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Photoshoppers, lets have some fun.

Photoshoppers, lets have some fun. Take your nude photo and place into an unusual place where a nude would not be expected. Suggestions would be in a group of clothed people, on a downtown street or in front of a police station. This is all for fun....

Sharing your work

New copy protection makes it more difficult than ever to include a photo in your post. If you have a photo/photos of which you are proud and would like to share with members of this group, the simple thing would be to upload into your profile pics...

Photo Tip3

Many photographers break out the camers only on days with bright sunlight. This probably goes back to when photography was in its infancy, slow films, slow lenses. In these days of modern technogy we can take photo under very low light conditions....

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