Photogenic Penis Society

For guys with photogenic penises. Does your penis always look great in your full frontal photos? Doesn't matter if it's uncut or cut, short and stubby or long and skinny, this is a place for posting photos if you have a photogenic penis.

Over Rated Penis Beauty???

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What if we just think our penis is beautiful, but nobody else agrees??? Is it still a beautiful penis or are we just viewing our own penis through "rose colored" glasses??? Just asking for a friend...

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RE:Over Rated Penis Beauty???

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Someone will agree with you (and your friend). It's good to at least like yourself and that includes all parts of yourself. Social Naturism builds that kind of confidence and is why it is so good.

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RE:Over Rated Penis Beauty???

I would say as long as the person who has the penis feels good about it.

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RE:Over Rated Penis Beauty???

If it is beautiful to you that is really all that matters, justification for what you like is not necessary.

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RE:Over Rated Penis Beauty???

Tell your friend were all beautiful just the way we are, penis included! And if anyone else trys to tell you different, they arent worth your time or you giving a shot about there opinions.

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RE:Over Rated Penis Beauty???

What if we just think our penis is beautiful, but nobody else agrees??? Is it still a beautiful penis or are we just viewing our own penis through "rose colored" glasses??? Just asking for a friend...

What makes a man attractive first and foremost is confidence and the second thing is honesty. If you show your penis with confidence and because you honestly seek admirers and approval and accpet not everyone will, do not get discouraged by those not interested, you will find the ones who do. Beauty is subjective as has been said, but what that means more than some people will and some won't (which is a given and therefore not the conclusion of a question but the point of departure for an answer)... from there looking at the some who will as potetial shows that you can change the way some others think about it and that is powerful and a lot of fun. Not everyone knows what they want until they do.

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RE:Over Rated Penis Beauty???

If it is beautiful to you that is really all that matters, justification for what you like is not necessary.

Yeah, bur no, Self love and appreciation are the depature point for any good understanding of sex and pleasure. But we don't live off ourselves alone, We are social animals and we need the acceptance approval and appreciation of others to be fully healthy sexual beings unless we are asexual or monastic. I don't think any man who likes cock can say they dont need appreciation or attention and for others to love the cock we have as much as we do. Lots learn to live with it because enduring it self imposed and aloof from that lack is better than the alternatives of rejection and denigration. We tell people this all the time and from early on and I think its done with the best intentions, but I know I always wanted corroboration and approval.

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RE:Over Rated Penis Beauty???

Yeah well, I feel good about your penis :-)

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RE:Over Rated Penis Beauty???

If you have a nice penis, dont be afraid to show it off.

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