Pagan Nudists

A group for nudists who are pagan.

Hi All,
I waspleased to find this group. As you can see by my profile I am well along in my life at 72 years of age. I am Pagan, having been initiated into the Celt-Gael Tradition, an Irish Trad, in 1962 while serving with theBritish Army inGermany. Celt-Gael is a skyclad Trad brought about as a renewal of the old Irish traditions which later had, I think aGardnerian influence grafted onto it which would explain the skyclad manner of working. Mypracticeof late has been primarily with eclectic Pagans in Kingston and privately with my late wife in the Celt-Gael manner. I aminterested incorresponding with Pagans of any or no Tradwho alsopracticethe nudist lifestyle.
Bright Blessings

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