Older Nudists

For the over 50s. We all have wrinkles and battle scars and no longer look the way we used to. But our minds are still young.

The Older I get, the less inhibited about nudity I am

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Do others agree. Growing up in a conservative household, nudity was not something we were allowed to do. However, as life experiences happened, I realized that it was a more comfortable way to live and that we are all models of the same vehicle. All bodies should be perceived as beautiful at any age.

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RE:The Older I get, the less inhibited about nudity I am

Condivido il tuo pensiero. Col passare degli anni vivo sempre pi nudo e sempre pi libero !

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RE:The Older I get, the less inhibited about nudity I am

Totally agree. I feel more alive and relaxed than ever before.

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RE:The Older I get, the less inhibited about nudity I am

As a young man I hated naked time in the gym because of not being able to control my dick. But when nudity became normal that problem ceased. I think age, maturity and wisdom does help older men to lose their inhibitions. There is no more comparing and we realize there is so much more to a human being than that which their clothes are covering. Occasionally Ill meet a young college guy at the gym who has no inhibitions. Typically raised playing sports they are used to changing and showering with others. I think they are petty settled on who they are too - so being open and naked with others is normal for them. So much more healthy than the body obsessed men who change clothes in the shower stalls. Or those who shower in their underwear. I dont know, maybe they are like me at that age and they cant control their dicks! I do hope they find the freedom of accepting their bodies as they are.

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RE:The Older I get, the less inhibited about nudity I am

Also, the older I get the more folks Ive seen naked. You see so many shapes and sizes of bodies you become very comfortable with your own body because you are as different as everybody else.

So true! As I often say, were all original works of art!

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RE:The Older I get, the less inhibited about nudity I am

We need to appreciate our bodies and what we've created, we're all one of a kind!

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RE:The Older I get, the less inhibited about nudity I am

I'm in my 50s and have only just begun to spend more time naked with friends, groups, etc. I used to worry about my gut and little dick. I've still got those, but I'm not letting them keep me from doing what I want to do. Life's too short.

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RE:The Older I get, the less inhibited about nudity I am

I'm in my 50s and have only just begun to spend more time naked with friends, groups, etc. I used to worry about my gut and little dick. I've still got those, but I'm not letting them keep me from doing what I want to do. Life's too short.

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RE:The Older I get, the less inhibited about nudity I am

Perhaps it is age and maturity, but I see a common thread also. The longer we are exposed to nudity the less we are concerned about size & looks. I do appreciate more the openness and honesty that nudity seems to foster in people.

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RE:The Older I get, the less inhibited about nudity I am

As a young man I hated naked time in the gym because of not being able to control my dick. But when nudity became normal that problem ceased. I think age, maturity and wisdom does help older men to lose their inhibitions. ... I do hope they find the freedom of accepting their bodies as they are.

Not controlling your dick is common among men, especially young men, but it's really an issue of not controlling blood flow. Erections shouldn't be considered a meaningful sign of arousal when blood is the real culprit. It's socially wrong if men need to age with diminished blood flow and vitality to feel less inhibited. Of course comfort to be naked as man among men also provides greater control over erections, but that only comes through experience such as from sports and locker rooms. In the meantime, it's great how Profind is signaling a healthy, respectful and uninhibited freedom for men of all ages to accept their bodies as they are.

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RE:The Older I get, the less inhibited about nudity I am

Yes I totally agree that the older I get the less inhibited I become regarding nudity and being seen or caught naked. Ive always enjoyed being nude especially outdoors and was not raised in a body shaming or naked-phobic environment so Ive never really been that inhibited about being naked.
However in the past 5 or so years since Ive retired Ive become even more bold and unconcerned about who sees me. I have remained naked when passing clothed people on hiking trails, while cycling naked, suntanning on our deck while boats fishermen etc pass by, skinny dipping in view of neighbours and or passing boats, boating nude, driving nude and various other activities. I wouldnt have been that bold or brave years ago but now I just dont care. In addition to this just being an age thing, I also attribute my emboldened attitude change to my being a True Nudist member these past 4+ years and reading all the stories, bios and encouragement of likeminded people and feeling that I am not alone in my desire to bravely go naked as much as possible.

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