Mature And Younger Nudists

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First Experience

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At what age did you discover the joy of being naked? What was your first experience like?

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RE:First Experience

As far back as I can remember my grammar school friend and I were fully nude whenever we could. From swimming at night to camping to playing in the woods to sleepovers we were always nude. We grew up near a nude beach and I can remember us riding our bikes there in about 5th grade to run in the warm sand and swim. The first time we went it was a result of a truth or dare game to be nude in front of other people. I think growing up mostly nude outside spawned my love for nature and with new friends my current life is about the same!

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RE:First Experience

Id strip off at home as a kid if I was alone. . . . . Always felt slightly naughty but fun!

Same here. When I was a kid, as far back as i can remember, I used to imagine being in a place where everyone was naked all of the time. Being home alone was always a chance to strip off and run around the house naked. Since I grew up in a big city there weren't really any outdoor places to experiment with nudity, so it wasn't until I joined my first nudist club, a few days after my twenty-first birthday, that I got to enjoy the full experience--outdoors with others who were also naked, just like I'd imagined as a little kid!

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RE:First Experience

I started at 15 by being naked in the house when no one was there. And the first experience on the beach was when I was 16, went with a friend and was hooked from the start! Never looked back and always enjoyed being naked, at home, at the beach, with friends, sauna, etc.

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RE:First Experience

I dont remember my first experience since it seems to always been a part of me. As a pre school kid I enjoyed taking off my pants. I remember as a young child being told by my parents to keep my clothes on. I was a responsible kid so whenever my folks were outside or gone I would strip off as soon as the car was backing out. Standing there naked behind the curtain. I have loved it ever since. I fully realized this in college with an open dorm with a group shower and I found that being naked was not dirt but natural. Once being on my own I have loved being naked at home and at my gym.

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RE:First Experience

i think i started around 13-14 , when noones at home and i was feeling so comfy. Then i was fully nude when i started to study at uni at 18yo. At first i used to be nude alone but it changed when i was 22 and went for the first time at nudist beach, it was amazing seeing others to be so comfy when they were nude.

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RE:First Experience

My first experience, was at the cottage, on the lake, where we spent weekends and summer holidays. My friend Chris, who is about 3 years older than me, I was about 9, he 12 - would go to a treehouse in the woods that my brother built. We would strip naked and hold eachother, explore each others bodies. We were still innocent at the time. I started to do the same with all of my friends. When I was 13 I started to skinny dip when I was alone at the dock, and then with friends as long as the parents were not around. My favourite experience was swimming naked at night under a full moon. My body was illuminated by the moon in the dark water.

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RE:First Experience

In middle school we had an outdoor shower on our deck (no other homes around) & loved the freedom. First time nude with others (aside from the showers) was during a weekend hike in HS. The group split up and the guys stayed behind to go swimming in a lake. They all started stripping naked and went in. I was surprised (was later told they do it all the time on this hike) & was hesitant at first but dove in & enjoyed the freedom. My classmates gave me some good natured ribbing about my hard on but others were too.

Didn't get to a nude beach till much later - love running along the surf!

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RE:First Experience

I think a was around 12 when i decided i wanted to try and sleep naked, and loved it. After that experience i used to get naked when i was home alone, and walk around the house naked every chance i got.
Also used to sneak out at night and be naked in the back yard. Loved it, felt so free and comfortable.
And i also found secluded spots outside to get naked. It felt so nice being naked outside, feeling the sun and warm summer wind on my naked body.
My first visit to a nude beach was not until my late 20's, only regret is that i waited so long before daring to go to a nude beach, so much lost nude time, hehe.

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RE:First Experience

My first significant experience of being naked was going through the birth canal. I can't say I remember it much, but it's funny that I was born that way.
Growing up in a Swedish household, nudity in the home wasn't shamed or encouraged. When I was about 5 my grandmother from Stockholm visited us for the summer and took us to a new shopping mall in the Chicago suburbs. She figured we could go swimming naked in the fountain like the kids in Sweden do. I knew better but didn't want to spoil it. I could only enjoy it for about two minutes until the police came and redirected her. I haven't wanted to go to a mall since.

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RE:First Experience

After you said it that way that was the 1st that all of us were naked to be truthful. My thoughts being since we were born naked then why ever put clothes on, i mean we were born naked for a reason in my eyes and thats to be naked. We all shower/bathe naked as well.

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