Mature And Younger Nudists

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First Experience

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At what age did you discover the joy of being naked? What was your first experience like?

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RE:First Experience

I honestly can't remember how old I was other than it just feels like always. I remember pulling off my pajamas after being put to bed, simply because it felt better to sleep nude. I can recall having my daily bath and never being in any rush to get dressed and remembering how nice it felt to walk around nude. I recall when I was old enough to stay on my own, that I loved for everyone to leave the house so I could have a dose of "nude time." I can remember excusing myself to go to bed early or to do homework and in reality it was to have naked time alone in my room doing every day things for hours. When I went to college, I was in my own apartment and that's when spending the whole day nude became the normal thing other than when I had to go out. Eventually the internet came about and I began to talk with and meet other nudists virtually. I made two good male friends (older and more seasoned nudists), who I began to spend time with. That turned into visiting socially nude places like resorts and legal outdoor venues. The rest is history. I know meeting my two friends, really helped mentor me on that my feelings were normal and my desire to go nude was equally normal. I try to be that kind of friend to newbies or those who want to try social nudity.

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