Mature And Younger Nudists

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Broaching the Subject

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Our (48M & 40M) nephew (22M) has moved in with us for a while. During an initial conversation with him it was brought up that sometimes we swim in the pool nude or have friends over who get naked in the pool. He said he was ok with that. While we dont go nude at home all the time there are times when we do and sometimes when we just feel more comfortable naked at home. I want to bring this up with him again to both let him know we may be nude at times and that he is welcome to do so as well. At the same time I dont want to make staying with us uncomfortable for him.

I know there are some who will say its your house do what you want and I dont disagree. At the same time I want to make living here comfortable for my nephew. Its a house full of guys and there shouldnt be anything to worry about. I guess Ive just never had to deal with this with someone living here only my friends who come over and then leave.

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RE:Broaching the Subject

Sometimes he brings his girlfriend over so we are going to need to have a talk about what she may or may not see when shes here because I dont plan on censoring.

That's smart of you. There's a fine line in being considerate to him - and by extension his gf - and living your own best life together. That will also save your nephew from being in an awkward position if his gf is uncomfortable with male nudity. Your nephew is lucky to have you.

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