Nudists Who Want To Really Meet Nud

MUST BE CERTIFIED. Absolutely "NO" Private" or "This user only allows pictures/videos access to friends" profiles!! PLEASE READ!! Must have at least 2 full frontal nude photos w/ face . Must have profile pic. No blank, profiles. For all true nudists who want to meet or share with other true nudists!

Western Naturist Gathering at Lupin Lodge

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The Naturist Society is holding their Western Gathering at Lupin Lodge, 8/11-14. Four days of fun, workshops and lectures, and just meeting and making new friends at one of California's most beautiful resorts in the Santa Cruz foothills. Make plans now to join us as well as many others from all over the Western states and beyond. Anyone else up for it?

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RE: Western Naturist Gathering at Lupin Lodge

dam i really wanted to go this year what dates did you say ??? might see if i can change my travel plans....

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