Nudists Who Volunteer

this is a group for those who volunteer..whether it's at an animal shelter or homeless shelter,retirement homes etc,this is a group for you!

Film shoot

Last week I was asked to do a film shoot for the TV. It was about volunteers working for the UK National Trust. I was fully clothed as I handed Alan Titchmash the secateurs. And when I signed the release forms I commented that the last time I did...

What do you do?

Are any of you lucky enough to do your voluntery work naked. I can't (despite what the pic below shows). One day a week I'm a volunteer gardener at Fountains Abbey, a world herritage site near here. I'ts mainly clearing up leaves and...

What do you do?

I am a volunteer fire fighter but they would frown and get quite upset if I turned out nude ,Its full PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) or no go.

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