Nudists That Quit Smoking

This is for nudists that quit smoking to support other nudists that wish to quit or are trying to quit.... share your methods and success stories.

Hi All,
I'm gary from Long Island and I too will become a non smoker soon. I'm starting on Cantex this coming Sunday and with luck it will work this time for me. Hope to get some good hints here on stopping. Thanks.

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RE: Soon To Be

am on week three of chantx, and it is working wonderfully. Just set
your date, and don't worry about anything till you are on the chantx
for for the week, you will notice you are not getting the nicotine
effect from the cigarette any more and your brain will basically
say... whats the point... it was actually pretty kewl for me... the
other encouragement I have for you is if you do "fall off the
wagon" just keep taking the chantx and dont beat yourself
up... you will notice how horrible they taste and maybe even feel a
little sick to your stomach, and hop right back on the wagon...
LOL... Good luck and keep us posted on your progress...

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RE: Soon To Be

Thanks for the support tomorrow is when I start the first series of pills. I'll let you know how it goes for the first week.

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