Nudists That Quit Smoking

This is for nudists that quit smoking to support other nudists that wish to quit or are trying to quit.... share your methods and success stories.

Almost 1 month now

Well it's just about 1 whole month now and even though I want a smoke so very badly I vowed to myself that this is going to be the time to do it. Lets see how the next month goes.

Soon To Be

Hi All, I'm gary from Long Island and I too will become a non smoker soon. I'm starting on Cantex this coming Sunday and with luck it will work this time for me. Hope to get some good hints here on stopping. Thanks.


I thought I would start this group cause I know how difficult it can be to be in that area between being a smoker and a non smoker, and how nice it would be to have someone who understand what a pain in the butt quitting can be.

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