Nudist Who Like To Grill Out

This is a group for those of us that like to grill out but is open for anyone to join.

Oops . . . the charcoal isnt charcoaling!!!

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I wanted to grill a small package of hamburger meat this past weekend & decided to get out my Weber 14 inch *Smokey Joe* & practice. It normally just sits on the outside table and gathers dust but I figured it might be a little easier to clean up than my bigger PK 360 grill. The grill holds about 8 patties and generally seems to cooks rather uniformly, thats always nice with hamburger. Anyway, I use a combination of charcoal briquettes & wood. Obviously, the charcoal for a consistent heat source & the oak wood for adding flavor. It did not go as planned, hence this post. The short story is the cooking hamburger patties dropped grease on the charcoal & almost put them out. An adjustment of the patties helped as did adding blown air compliments of my leaf blower. Be careful if you try that, too. Anyway, I was eventually successful but it took a while. The moral to this story is to have at least a double stack of coals, glowing well, before adding the meat. The grease is, supposedly, not enough to cause an issue doing it this way. And, for those interested, the grilling was done nude and several long neck beers were consumed. Well try it again in the near future . . . maybe with a better grilling report. LOL

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RE:Oops . . . the charcoal isnt charcoaling!!!

Wow sounds like u had a interesting time... lol. Glad u where able to figure it out in the long run. I always was a believer in learn from ur mistakes.

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