Nudist Whit Psoriasis

If you suffer because you have psoriasis and spcialy shy to be naked in front of other nudist who dont no nothing about this disease, we can help each other to make them comfortable, and enjoy there nudist time outside, at beach or resort,whitout prejudice.Wich you a nice nude warm summer time.

Naked in ORLANDO

If you need a naked place to stay if you are cumming to Orlando, I have a spare bedroom and a couch. No need to spend lots of money for a hotel.

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my story

like most of us, I've always liked being nude. but I really didn't think of myself as a nudist till I came down with psoriasis. after serving in the us army during desert storm, I came home and started developing patches on my skin. the army...

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those are pic of skin problem......dont bother me at all a nudist since 55 years.....any questions......just ask......will be great reading you .............

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