Nudist Malta

A group where all nudist Maltese and foreigners having a permanent residence in Malta can meet up to discuss, be friendly and offer support to each other.

True nudists certification - please discuss

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Certification is optional, however you are encouraged to get certified. It is a fairly simple process which requires that you upload 2 photos, one fully clothed and the other in the nude (the uploaded photos will be viewed by the truenudists administrators and will be deleted once certification is given or denied).The procedure to be followed is well explained by the website, however there are a few important points:1. Both photos must contain "Truenudists" AND your Username. You can either print out the truenudists certificate which is available once you start the certification process or you can print out a plain sheet of paper which contains the word "Truenudists" and your username in big, bold letters. The certificate or printed paper must then be held in your hand while the photos are being taken.
2. Both the Username and Gender must match the username and gender as per your profile
3. Your face must be visible in both photos.
4. If your profile states that you are a couple then you would need to make sure that the photos portray the couple.5. Photos must be original, i.e. not manipulated/edited/Photoshopped6. The photos must be uploaded to their respective spots once the certification procedure is commenced.7. Once uploaded, it could take up to 48 hours for the administrators to verify your photos and either accept your certification or deny it.Should any of you accept to get certified but not be in any position to take photos .... I suggest you ask for help as I am sure that most of us have digital cameras and would be more then ready to help out.

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RE: True nudists certification - please discuss

For those who are not certified, what is your view on certification?

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