Nudist Couples Only!!

A place where nudist couples can chat with each other without being pestered by single guys.

Joining this site - One requirement

Just a reminder to all that apply to join this exclusive group. You are required to have a nude pic of you both together. It can be on your homepage, or uploaded to this site, or emailed to the moderator for approval. I have had to reject at least...

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Italian friends

Welcome Elsa and Marco to our group. Enjoy your stay with us. Diane & Dennis

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Happy Easter

We wanted to wish all of our members, old and new, a very happy Easter. To see who actually reads these posts we would like every member to respond with an Easter wish of their own. Thanks B and B


have a great easter weekend everyone.

Latest PostHappy Easter
by harkeck2 
There she blows

For the second time in a week were under a tornado watch. While its nice to have a nice cool breeze while naked at a resort, winds exceeding 50 mph would be a bit too much. Hopefully none of our resorts in the NW part of our state will be affected...

SO, Big Question

Read a report recently that estimated there are about 2.2 million nudists either live in or visit the state of Florida each year, bring in about $7 billions dollars of money into our economy Question 1, we only have 500,000 subscribers to this site,...

New Members here in the Sunshine State

Hi everyone, Where Daryl Lynn & Mal here in sunny clearwater Fl. Pleasure to be members of such a select and beautifully group. We look forward to reading posts/ discussions etc. Where told your a lively bunch. Chat soon Mal

Greetings from Fayetteville, AR

Hi everyone! Happy monogamous couple from Arkansas. Love meeting other nudists. Feel free to drop us a note and say hi :-) Cheers

Friends list

What does everyone here do when you friends list get too high. Are you friend collectors or do you delete. Some people f you have lists of friends in the 100s and there is no way you can communicate with all of them. We are thinking that we should...

One bad apple

Weve had single males, mostly those in their twenty to early thirties message us asking us why we dont friend them or want to Skype with them. Most of the time we just ignore them . We have had one male whos been very respectful but a little pushy...