Nudist And Business

How to arrange nudism and business. Is it possible to do a job, living nude all day and nite and earning money at same time? But a job which has thing to do directly with nudisme, only makes possible to live, like we wanne live? Yes it is, we think and we are on the way to do that and wanne here discuss this possibilities.

Starting the Diskussion

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What do you thing about a business, which would allow you to live were you wann live and to work at each place in the world, so you would be able to live and to work nude the rest of your life? But the business directly have nothing to du with nudisme, it only makes it possible for you?

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RE: Starting the Diskussion

This sounds good.
I work from home for much of the time now so I am naked then as I live nude here. But I have to meet people away from home for work some of the time, which means I cannot be naked then. If I can work naked all of the time that would be better, as I'd prefer not to have to get dressed at all. I'd like to live as a nudist permanently.

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RE: Starting the Diskussion

Hi All,
I'm a Handyman/Painter/Remodeling guy in Southern California and just starting to offer myself to our community. I've painted one home nude and I have another customer who is going to have me build an office for him. I guess I never imagined that I could work just for fellow nudists but I'm going to give it a shot to supplement the work I get now.
If you know of any fellow nudists who need any work done, particularly in Southern California, I'm your man.

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RE: Starting the Diskussion

World Wide Home Business
I have a home business and I am naked while I am doing it.
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