Nudism In Art, Literature , Cinema

The aim of this group is to encourage members to share their experiences from any type of art that proves that to be naked is to be oneself , that we were meant to be nude , that nudism is humane , that nudism is a protest against class and status pretentiousness - that nudism is freedom against society's hypocrisy and oppressiveness - that nudism can be a powerful spiritual experience - that...

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Perhaps on of the seminal books in art historical scholarship is John Berger's "Ways of Seeing." In this compilation of essays, Berger discusses why we view art the way we do, the social/political/gendered constructs that shape our gaze, and a historical overview on the person subject (specifically the nude female).

Its a pretty interesting read and not too hard to get through. For any art lovers/art historians, I'd recommend.

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RE:For those interested...

Thanks for the recommendation. This book is based on an old BBC documentary series which is also available on YouTube under the same name if anyone is interested.

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RE:For those interested...

Yes it is! Thanks for that suggestion.

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RE:For those interested...

Thank you. I cannot draw a straight line but I love great artwork, especially nudes. I am watching the YouTube series, which are great !!! Skip in Phoenix

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