Nudism and spirituality (in the modern sense) together bring us closer to Nature. Meditation is like inward prayer, communing with our inner being, our life spirit, making us happy and healthy.


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A friend said: "Every nudist is a bit of an exhibitionist, even if he doesn't admit it. "
I thought: "I don't use my nudity to show off, I'm naked in my house when I'm alone, nobody sees me naked."
I'd be naked in a resort or beach where everyone is naked, but to feel free, not to expose my body as a trophy (nor do I consider myself so attractive... Kkkkk). I like to be naked to feel connected to my environment, to feel the air touching me completely, to be part of nature... I was born this way and I like to stay like this, naked naturally. This opens my mind to questions about the environment, respect for all social groups, other living beings, individual freedoms, the God's work... There is a philosophy associated with my nudity, it's not just being naked for being naked or for sexual gain. I believe that this is the difference between the nudist and the naturist. Naturism is a philosophy and way of life. Nudism is a practice that, among others, is used by the naturist.

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I can think of lots of reasons for wanting to be naked, any time, but when I feel the sun on my nude body, and the grass, or sand beneath my bare feet, that is all I care about at that moment in time.

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It's a good discussion to have, is nudity also a level of exhibitionism? I too love the feeling of the sun all over, a gentle breeze, especially at the beach, and I don't care who sees me, is that exhibitionism or being comfortable in my own skin and loving being nude in nature? Maybe it is a bit of everything. I don't go to the beach only so that others can see me, I go there for the reasons I said, but I don't care if I am seen. I'm nude in my yard at home often, it is private and no one can see in, I have quite a few native trees that attract native birds, it is really pleasant to be naked in my yard on a nice day. Maybe that is a definition of naturism. I like to also be naked in our Australian bush, by a river or in a space and enjoy the surrounds but usually these are not legal CO places so I am a little conscious of others stumbling across me.

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A friend said: "Every nudist is a bit of an exhibitionist, even if he doesn't admit it. "I thought: "I don't use my nudity to show off, I'm naked in my house when I'm alone, nobody sees me naked."Naturism is a philosophy and way of life. Nudism is a practice that, among others, is used by the naturist.

When people make categorical statements like that they are often projecting their perspectives on others. My practice of social nudity has nothing to do with being seen I spend the majority of my time naked regardless of whether someone sees me or not. There are times when I am naked for extended periods which being seen by another sole. I get no joy or excitement from been seen naked by others. I dont go out of my way to expose my naked body to others. Those are characteristics of an exhibitionist. I on the other hand like you practice a way of life called naturism of which social nudity is one component.

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A beautifully stated take on naturism and nudism, and a sense of it that I share.

If exhibitionism is taken in the clinical get-your-jollies-exposing-yourself sense, then no, I'm not an exhibitionist. But I have to think about that, as I continue to take and post pictures, as I look for opportunities to be naked among others, whether they're naked or not... because I certainly do those things. It's a way of moving in the world, an optimism that in being myself, in a sharing and transparent way, I can draw the world along a bit, be the change. That, of course, doesn't work at all if I've offended anyone; it's not about boundary-pushing.

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There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your appearance, wanting to look and feel your best when you are totally naked among other nudists. Is that a form of exhibitionism? I don't think it is, as I like to feel the same when I am alone and naked. It's the joy of nudity and a healthy body. (I'll be glad when this cold northern winter is over, and I can shed the extra pounds I've gained).

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There is nothing wrong with taking pride in your appearance, wanting to look and feel your best when you are totally naked among other nudists. Is that a form of exhibitionism? I don't think it is, as I like to feel the same when I am alone and naked. It's the joy of nudity and a healthy body. (I'll be glad when this cold northern winter is over, and I can shed the extra pounds I've gained).

Agree with everything you've said. Health and well being and nonsexual social nudity used to be the defining characteristics of nudism and naturism.

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I feel more connected to the universe when nude. Certainly doing yoga nude is easier. So is meditation.

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Yoga, meditation, nudity, especially in pleasant surroundings, is the best way to relax and be yourself at your very best.

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Great topic and I enjoyed reading the responses. I agree with being proud of your body as a form of exhibition and not a bad thing. For me, I am not flaunting my body but showing how open and aware I am of myself. I believe myself to be an open-minded person and am happy to express it through being open about my body. Not to mention, yes, I like the freedom of not having clothes on.

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I totally agree!

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