Nudism and spirituality (in the modern sense) together bring us closer to Nature. Meditation is like inward prayer, communing with our inner being, our life spirit, making us happy and healthy.

I used to have time every week to see if we had any new members and send a them welcome message. However, the past six months have taken up to much of my time to take care of my TN duties as I have been tied up with the business of relocating to another country. Never mind, I'm glad of any new members and welcome new topics for discussion you care to put forward.
Regards, Dave

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RE:New Members?

I'm new here. 57-185cm-75kg, gay. Nudist since 47yrs.

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RE:New Members?

A belated welcome to Nudism and Spirituality!
Are you going to upload some pics of yourself?

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RE:New Members?

God had created Adam and Eve and both were nude. It wasnt until Eve picked fruit from the Tree of Life and ate from it, sharing with Adam, that their eyes were opened feeling ashamed of their nudity.
Being nude is truly how God intended us to be. How we made it illegal to be in Gods image is a shame

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RE:New Members?

God had created Adam and Eve and both were nude. It wasnt until Eve picked fruit from the Tree of Life and ate from it, sharing with Adam, that their eyes were opened feeling ashamed of their nudity.Being nude is truly how God intended us to be. How we made it illegal to be in Gods image is a shame

I see it that way, too. To live naked is to live according to God's ideas. To wear clothes its a sin.

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