Nude Yoga

This group is dedicated to those practice yoga in the nude.

Outdoor Naked Yoga

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I find the best way to do Yoga is naked in the outdoors. So with the weather in England suddenly sunny, I managed to get out to our local forest yesterday (Hatfield Forest in Essex). Although the air was cold (about 5 Celsius) the air was still and the sun strong when the clouds were out of the way so it was really comfortable. What can be better than doing Yoga naked in an ancient forest? With just the birds, rabbits and squirrels for company it was lovely. Spoilt only by the need to keep a weather eye out for dog walkers and horse riders in this public park. Nobody came and I got a full half hour before the sun went behind a huge cloud.
The feeling of being at one with everything is wonderful in a forest like this. I was fortunate in finding a ride which was fenced on either side and was straight and clear for 500 metres so I could see if any one was coming well before they could see that I was naked. I also took the precaution of having a pair of light khaki coloured shorts to hand (i.e. sort of similar in shade to my skin) which I could quickly put on and if they had thought I was naked they would realise that they had been deceived by the colour of my shorts.
Do any of you have experience of naked Yoga in public places?

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RE: Outdoor Naked Yoga

Do any of you have experience of naked Yoga in public places?:
Our experience of naked Yoga in public is limited to the vacation time in nudist areas. Here is the weather to cold for outside Yoga.

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RE: Outdoor Naked Yoga

In 2014, before the Naked Bike Ride event (WNBR) in Columbus, Ohio
USA, a local studio owner had a, free of charge, 1 hour,
clothing optional, Yoga session - at the bike staging area- for
anyone who wanted to try it. Of course, all the guys were
naked, but the girls/women were just topless. It was in a
building, but somewhat open to public view, from the street, so I
guess that would -almost- qualify as outdoor. The asanas were
simple, but continuous, so it was a good workout. Fortunately, it did
not wear me out so much that I was too tired for the bike ride...
However, that may have been due to the excitement of event, in
general. In case you don't know... a WNBR event is a naked-
or - Bare as You Dare bike ride through city streets to the delight
of the crowds lining the streets... and, of course, the riders.
... That is... 1.) if there were a lot of bike riders
2.) the event was approved by the local authorities, and 3.)
it was well publicized.

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RE: Outdoor Naked Yoga

Here is the weather to cold for outside Yoga.Yes at this time of year it is normally too cold for us in the UK too. We had a couple of exceptional days where, although the air temperature was low, there was hardly any wind and strong sunlight, so the warmth of the sun overrode the cold air and it was so nice to be out for the first time after the winter.
I do find doing Yoga in the outdoors is spiritually much better than indoors, and to be naked at the same time makes the connection much stronger. But if you don't have a very private garden there are so few opportunities. Our local forest is normally quite busy, but during school term, in winter, after the dog walkers and horse riders have had their morning exercise it does go quiet, so then I was able to grasp the opportunity and it was great ... until that cloud came along!

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RE: Outdoor Naked Yoga

a WNBR event is a naked-or - Bare as You Dare bike ride through city streets to the delightof the crowds lining the streets... and, of course, the riders.The WNBR is a great event highlighting the need to cut the use of the internal combustion engine which is polluting our towns and shortening our lives. Great to hear that you support it. There is a whole programme of rides coming up in May, June and July. More information at:
or for the UK:

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RE: Outdoor Naked Yoga

I have done naked yoga outdoors a few times, more often in indoor classes. But the posts reminded me that I could get some solo sessions in on my patio before the weather turns too cold. Should get back to this, maybe tomorrow morning to start...

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RE:Outdoor Naked Yoga

Outdoor naked yoga is the only way to go, except this time of year. I have a small enclosed patio area that I will use in the warm months. The heat and sun feels great. However, the best yoga is when I get a chance to do it naked in the mountains. The quiet and the connection to nature is wonderful. It can get down right spiritual. I have some photos in my profile from early last summer. One of my goals for this coming summer will be to get up into the mountains once a week for a yoga session. This last summer I had a naked hiking goal that cut into my yoga.

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RE:Outdoor Naked Yoga

I found this funny saying on another nudist site and thought of my own situation. During the summer I do naked yoga on my patio. I have a fairly private back yard, but maybe my nude time out there prompted the neighbor behind to erect a beautiful privacy fence last fall. Now I have bushes and a fence to protect my privacy!

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