Nude Parties

This group is for Nudists that loves to party in the nude. Braai (BBQ), skinny dips, playing games, outdoors, indoors, dance parties, etc. :) So all you nude party animals - Have a fantastic nude party next time !!! Here you can meet other nudists that loves nude parties just like yourself.

Memory of a Fantastic Party

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A few years ago, a girl I knew, Kathy, called to say that she was having a surprise birthday party for her husband and invited me. She said it was to be at a gym owned by some friends of theirs and that we had the place free of supervision on a Saturday evening after it closed. She then said that the dress code was to be "sleep attire". I questioned her as to what that meant exactly and she said that I should just come in whatever I slept in. I said that that definition could cover a lot of ground and that some might wear some revealing night clothing. She didn't seem to be phased by that. In fact, I got the impression that she was expecting to see some revealing costumes. "Just wear whatever you go to bed in - PJs, boxers, whatever." I thanked her for the invitation and began to make plans.

I was not a nudist at that time, but not opposed to the idea of attending a party where some might be only partially dressed. On the evening of the party, I drove to the club, parked and emerged from the car with a bottle of some kind of booze and a wrapped gift for her husband. The place had a pair of glass doors which opened into a large lobby. I immediately saw Kathy who was behind a check-in counter with another girl. They used a table behind them for a bar and were busy setting it up to make drinks. She wore a full length silver satin PJ set. Both girls turned in my direction when they heard the door and both jaws dropped. I was completely naked.

The other girl said something to me like, "Nice PJs!" I looked to Kathy and said, "You told me to come in whatever I sleep in. I sleep nude." Going around the bar, I handed the bottle to the girl and the gift to Kathy. As they both checked me out, she said, "Hey, we're OK with it if you are." After talking for a bit longer, I told her that since she had seen me, I thought I should see her and pulled the elastic waist band of her bottoms out to peer inside. She reached down to pull them down to her knees and then slid her top up to reveal her breasts. The other girl (don't remember her name) had a bottle of some kind of sweet tasting liquor, took a shot of it and,without swallowing, kissed it to Kathy. She then turned and kissed it on to me. After that, I kissed it to the other girl and we continued that way until it was gone.

As expected, other guests whom I met after going back into some of the other rooms were scantily clad. I was the only one naked (at least early on) but it turned out to be a great party. At one point, I was in a room with a hot tub and went through a door and found Kathy right in front of me facing three other guys, one of whom was her husband. She was trying to get a towel fastened behind her. I was not sure exactly what was going on, but pulled her hands away, opening the towel to find one of the nicest looking rears I have ever seen. Surprisingly, she turned and clutched me and I wrapped the towel back around her and led her back into the hot tub room. Fortunately, her husband did not follow us.

I wound up taking her home that night. Since I had driven to the club naked, I drove home that way too. We didn't bother picking up her PJs at the club, so the next morning, I had to find something of mine that she could wear. We went into the place and found that someone had cleaned up after the party and found her clothes. Kathy and her husband broke up some while after that party. I never knew what happened, but do not think that I had anything to do with it. The fact that she would leave with someone else right under his nose tells me that they already had problems. One of my greatest regrets, though, is that I never connected with her again. It was, however, a very daring nude party adventure that I enjoy remembering.

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RE:Memory of a Fantastic Party

I found your story both intriguing and a bit titilating - I have to wonder if your friend, Kathy, might have had an inkling beforehand that you were in the habit of sleeping nude.

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